Why doesn't my baby sleep easily?.. hunger. nappy change. Inappropriateness of the bedroom. Colic and bloating. Skin allergies

Difficulty sleeping a baby:

The newly-minted mother usually suffers from irregular sleep of her infant, so that she feels that he is not sleeping at all, even though she provides him with all his requirements of nutrition, cleanliness, and creating a quiet environment that helps him sleep, and this leads to an increase in the mother’s feeling of fatigue and exhaustion resulting from her lack of access to it as well. Get plenty of sleep. The mother may not be aware of one of the reasons why the child does not sleep, or she may know it and try to avoid it, and yet her child does not sleep regularly. So, many mothers are always looking for an answer to the question, why does my baby not sleep easily?

Newborn sleep rate:

It is normal for newborns to sleep from (16-18) hours per day, divided into separate periods of 4-5 periods, and despite this, most mothers complain that their newborn does not get these hours in full, as it takes a few hours and wakes up again. After a short time, he may wake up throughout the night hours and start sleeping at the beginning of the morning or near noon, which causes the mother to become very tired and exhausted, and she feels that her child does not sleep at all.

What are the reasons why your child does not sleep easily?

  • The child feels hungry and needs to get food, so he starts to turn around and then cry and thus not sleep.
  • The child's need to change the diaper, as soon as the diaper gets wet, the child feels uncomfortable, which makes him lose the ability to sleep.
  • The bedroom is not suitable in terms of lighting, heating, quietness, or cleanliness, which causes the child to be disturbed and unable to sleep.
  • The child suffered from colic or bloating, as a result of air entering him during breastfeeding, or because the mother ate some foodstuffs that cause bloating, so they moved to the child and made him unable to sleep.
  • The child has skin allergies or any of its other types, as studies have shown that children who suffer from allergies are more likely to sleep irregularly, whether during the day or at night.
  • The child has one of the hidden pains, such as ear pain or a high temperature.

Some tips that you can use to help you put your baby to sleep:

  • Give your child a warm bath before bedtime, as this warm bath has the effect of magic in relaxing your child and making him fall into a deep sleep, especially with creating the atmosphere in the room to allow the infant to fall asleep.
  • Gradually teach your child the skill of falling asleep on his own, as your child may fall asleep for a short period and soon wake up, and here he needs your presence to reassure him that you are next to him, and when your child exceeds the age of 6 months, you can put a soft toy or a soft blanket next to him to help him get back sleep again.
  • Make sure to spread cotton covers on the child’s bed and avoid water-resistant furniture, because it causes the child to sweat, so he does not feel comfortable while sleeping and makes it difficult to put him to sleep.
  • Find all the reasons that prevent your child from sleeping and try to treat them.
  • Seek help from your husband from the beginning of your child’s birth, so that the child becomes attached to him, and this will help you in making the father take responsibility for calming and putting the child to sleep when you are tired or want to rest for a while.
  • Hug your child and hug him before he goes to sleep. This makes the child feel reassured and safe, which makes him surrender and fall asleep easily.
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