Why does your baby smile during sleep?.. Social smile. Reflexive smile. Response smile

Children smiling while sleeping:

All moms watch their little ones smile while they're awake, but have you ever noticed your baby smiling in his sleep? Surely you saw that unusual scene, especially at the beginning of his sleep and your mind began asking these questions: Is my little boy dreaming? Does he see angels? According to my grandmother, angels caress babies during their sleep without you knowing for a clear reason. Learn in this article why your baby smiles during sleep.

Why does the baby smile while sleeping?

At the outset, we must point out that there are no extensive scientific studies that answer clearly and accurately, so it is difficult to answer this question with evidence, but there are some opinions that explain the laughter or smile of young children during sleep for several reasons, namely:
  • Your child goes through several stages during his sleep until he reaches the stage of deep sleep, but during the stage of rapid eye movement sleep he may suffer from some physiological changes that cause some reactions, and may be in the form of a smile during his sleep.
  • Throughout his waking period, your child is exposed to many sounds and sights, so his developing mind tries to record those daily situations and information that he can process during sleep, so smiling and laughing during his sleep can be interpreted as part of the process of developing and growing his feelings.
  • There are also other pathological causes, which are rare, such as nervous spasms in the infant, but they are accompanied by some symptoms such as weight loss or difficulty sleeping, and cause him frequent bouts of irritation or laughter for no apparent reason, and in that case you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

What kinds of smiles does your infant send?

1- The social smile:

Young children smile this smile when they are between 3 and 4 months old, and it is the reaction of the child and his attention to the mother and her gestures, and children go through many emotional changes during the first years, as they become more responsive and interact with other people.
These smiles indicate your baby's developing communication skills and intentional expression of warmth towards others. At this stage, you can increase your interactions with your little one by cuddling and petting, or simply talking to him to get more of his attractive smiles.

2- The reflexive smile:

Sometimes, you notice that your baby shows fleeting smiles during his sleep in the first days of his birth, and some specialists explain these bouts of early smiles in children as reflex actions similar to the different reactions shown by newborn babies.
The reflexive smiles that occur during sleep are innate gestures and do not express any emotional connotation, but they are usually the natural way for a child to start practicing his various skills.

3- The response smile:

This type of interaction usually occurs at the age of two months. When your baby smiles during his sleep, it often reflects his response to sensory experiences, or things he finds pleasurable, such as listening to a quiet voice familiar to him.
On the other hand, you can continue reading the article to learn about the reasons that drive your infant to panic and cry during sleep.
In conclusion, know that a baby's smile is not only a wonderful sight to see and makes you happy, but it is an indication that your baby is developing emotionally and physically healthy.
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