What sports should I do during my pregnancy?.. Swimming to reduce weight gain and benefit from improved blood circulation

Normal pregnancy and physical activity:

Many sports champions and celebrities post photos of them mid-session while holding themselves on social media. Can they do it? A priori, no problem: normal pregnancy is compatible with physical activity, but be careful, not all of them, and in moderation!

Pregnancy and sports:

Regular physical activity is recommended at any age in life. But during pregnancy, due to fatigue, shortness of breath or even lack of time, it can be difficult to exercise. In addition, not all sports are recommended, due to the risk or severity of falls and the impacts they cause. To help pregnant women see more clearly what they can and cannot do in terms of physical activities, exercising during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of premature birth or the risk of subsequent weight gain or even obesity and has real benefits for the fetus.

Note that exercise during pregnancy makes it possible in particular to limit weight gain and to benefit from improved blood circulation, an asset against heavy legs.

Swimming, the most suitable sport for pregnancy:

  • You will be able to strengthen all your muscles, especially the abdomen, back, perineum and thighs.
  • You will also work on your breathing and increase your heart capacity.
  • Prolonged breathing pauses, as with scuba diving, are not recommended, but holding your breath underwater for a few seconds is very helpful. This exercise is prepared for the day of childbirth, knowing that swimming is allowed until the end of pregnancy, except in the case of opening the cervix.

Swim on your back or side:

  • Regarding the type of exercise, choose swimming on the back or on the side. These are the positions in which you will feel most comfortable.
  • As for the water temperature, lukewarm water is ideal: between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius, saunas, which are very hot, are not recommended for pregnant women and their babies.
  • Finally, if you can, do some water aerobics sessions, because doing water aerobics is a good way to exercise your body without much effort.
  • Note that there is the possibility of preparing for childbirth in the pool, where relaxation and breathing are included in the program.
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