What is the infant's food in the first month of his life?

Baby food in the first month:

Here are some important points to consider regarding nutrition:

  • You don't have to set a strict schedule and insist that your baby breastfeed for a set amount of time or take 120ml (120ml) at each feed.
  • During the first month babies show interest in being breastfed and may put their fist in their mouth and start sucking.
  • Crying is a late sign of hunger, and it's easier to get a baby to latch on and feed when he shows early signs of wanting to nurse.
  • You should feed your baby at least every two to three hours on demand, with attempts to breastfeed him eight to twelve times a day.
  • During the first month your baby has to breastfeed day and night, and it can be annoying if your baby is not getting enough to eat.
  • Generally your baby will feed adequately in about fifteen to twenty minutes, and by this time you may feel drowsy or asleep.
  • If your baby is still hungry after feeding, offer him the other breast.
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