What if my baby refuses to take milk from the breast?

Baby refusing to breast:

Breastfeeding is very important for any newborn baby. Breast milk is a unique food specifically designed to nourish an infant. But what if your baby refuses the breast? It's something that can happen and you shouldn't feel bad about it. There are a few reasons you need to know to put an end to this situation.

Why is breastfeeding so important? Because it has many advantages. Among them, we can highlight emotional well-being, reduce the risk of suffering from breast and ovarian cancer as well as recovery after childbirth.

When a baby refuses to breast, all these benefits are set aside because many mothers end up disappointed. Not knowing what's going on doesn't help. So we will try to solve this.

What is the crisis of breastfeeding?

  • The fact that the baby refuses the mother's breast is called a "breastfeeding fit" or breastfeeding crisis. This term is only valid if it lasts for a long period of time.
  • Even if you are breastfeeding and even if your baby is hungry, he will refuse it. We know this is very frustrating, but there is a reason for this reaction.
  • Are you back at work with less time for it? Did she suddenly bite your nipple and push it aside or scream back? Is he teething? These questions can be crucial.

What could be bothering the child?

There are many things that can upset a child that you may not be aware of.

Ambient noise:

It may not seem important, but it is recommended that you breastfeed your baby in a quiet place without making too much noise. Too much noise or people around them can cause the baby to refuse the breast.

stuffy nose:

It is important to ensure that the nasal cavity of the child is not completely blocked. If he can't breathe well, he won't be able to nurse and will refuse to breast because he knows what's going to happen. Therefore, use a children's nasal aspirator.

Changes in routine:

If you start laboring again and this involves a change in routine, the baby may react by refusing the breast. It's his way of complaining and protesting about something he doesn't like. This can also happen if you have recently moved.


If your baby refuses to breast and nothing we have said so far matches the cause, ask yourself if you have changed your shampoo, shower gel or perfume. Babies can reject new smells, so they don't want breasts anymore.

little milk:

Another reason why a child refuses to breastfeed is milk production. The baby may not meet all of his nutritional needs and this can lead him to react to early weaning.

Unpleasant past experience:

The last possible cause could be related to an unpleasant experience. Pain in your mouth when feeding because his teeth are coming out, or crying because he bites you, for example.

What can I do to end this crisis?

There are various ways to end a breastfeeding strike. We cannot guarantee that they will all work because every child is a world. But why not give them a try? We'll give you some options:

Don't force it. This is very important:

Forcing your child to breastfeed is wrong. Let him come and get sick on his own. A good way to do this is by strengthening skin-to-skin contact. In the shower or in bed, make this bond last as long as possible. It is likely that with this simple gesture, he will end up sucking again.

Use a baby carrier:

Although strollers are very convenient, a baby carrier can be a great way to solve this situation. It will be very close to your breast, and if it touches your skin, it will be even better. If he is hungry, his food source will be nearby. So why not give it a try?

Choose a quiet place:

If the likely cause of breast rejection is noise or distractions, you can try a quieter place. A room or area where there are not many people and everything is quiet. This may be the solution.
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