What are the ways to teach an autistic child to speak?.. A child with verbal autism. Non-verbal children with autism spectrum

Teaching a child with autism to speak:

When teaching a child with autism spectrum language, we must distinguish between two models:

1- A child with verbal autism:

They are children who can pick up words, repeat them and use them in their own way, and usually some methods can be used to develop speech and language, but the autistic child usually lags behind children of the same age, each according to his condition, and these methods include:

A modern training method called (PRT) is now being used to support the autistic child in speaking and interaction:

It is a method that includes relying on the child's own motives to urge him to speak, using his interest in a specific object or game, so one of the parents takes it and uses its name to encourage the child to speak, and when the child repeats the name, he is rewarded by giving him this thing.

  • This method is led by children, because children with autism may be interested in things that may not mean anything to others. If you use what he likes and cares about, he will remain motivated throughout the training period, which may reach an hour per day, and improve his desire to communicate.

Early Intervention:

Early detection of the spectrum of autism and dealing with it accurately may be a reason for obtaining better results in teaching the child to speak and urging him to interact with others.

Consultation of specialists:

Where they have the experience and ability to guide parents in the case of children with autism and deal with them, given that they follow many cases, and inform them of the most important studies in the field of dealing with the autism spectrum and its types.

2- Non-verbal children with autism spectrum:

Children in this case do not speak, and it is a condition that cannot be treated, and these cases need to consult specialists, to improve the quality of life of children and their ways of communicating with others, and they need to develop communication skills other than speech, usually using several technological and methodological methods under the supervision of specialists or parents after receive appropriate training.
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