What are the reasons that make a child refuse to breastfeed after birth?.. The wrong position of the baby during breastfeeding

Reasons why a child refuses to breastfeed after birth:

Breastfeeding is expected to be a new thing for newborns, as they are facing the world for the first time, in addition to the fact that the mother’s excessive concern for her child may make her make some mistakes that ultimately lead to her child’s refusal to breastfeed, here are the most important reasons for newborns refusing to breastfeed.

The wrong position of the baby during breastfeeding:

The correct position of the baby on the mother's breast during breastfeeding is very important. Because if the child cannot latch on to the mother's breast well during feeding, then he will not be able to get milk at all, and then he becomes more hungry and frustrated, which makes it more difficult for him to breastfeed in this case, and this may make him refuse to breastfeed from the mother's breast in the first place.

In addition, there are some negative effects that the wrong position of the child may lead to during breastfeeding, whether for him or for the mother, the most important of which are:
  • Swelling of the nipples of the mother's breast, and she feels severe pain in them.
  • Low rate of milk production from the mother's breast.
  • blockage of the mother's milk ducts; As a result of the baby's inability to get milk out during feeding.
  • Low weight of the child.
  • Mother and child feeling frustrated.
  • Baby abandoning breastfeeding.

You can avoid the occurrence of this problem from the beginning by learning the correct way to breastfeed the child at this stage, by giving him the entire nipple, and a large part of the dark area around it inside his mouth, and you can also seek the help of a specialist who will show you the correct position of the child; Even holding him properly helps you to breastfeed easier.

premature babies:

Breastfeeding requires a great effort for the child. Until the milk comes out of the mother’s breast, premature babies who were born before their natural birth date may not be able to make this effort, so breastfeeding will not be an appropriate solution for them in the immediate postpartum stage, for this reason you can pump breast milk and put it in Feeding bottle, and give it to your child until he can breastfeed himself.

Nipple problems:

Some mothers suffer from flat or inverted nipples, which is one of the most common problems that hinder the baby from breastfeeding, or make him refuse it from the beginning, because he is unable to latch on to the mother's breast. If you suffer from this problem, you should follow some methods that help correct the shape of the nipple, especially before giving birth. You can also use a breast pump to pull the nipple right before feeding. so that your child can grasp it.

Delayed secretion of breast milk:

There are some cases in which the production of breast milk takes a few days, and it is normal, especially if it is the first time that the mother has given birth, or she suffers from some health problems, this delay may frustrate the child, and make him refuse your breast after that, for this The reason is to make sure that you constantly put your baby on your breast as much as possible; Until he gets used to it, you can also rely on artificial feeding at this stage temporarily, so that your breasts can produce milk.

Birth problems:

Some children are exposed to problems during childbirth, such as: suffering from some bruises in places in their body, or the presence of some pain in the shoulder, these problems lead to their lack of comfort during breastfeeding, or their rejection of it at times, for this reason you should see the doctor when Noticing your child's constant pain or feeling uncomfortable; So you can check the reason behind this problem.

Long sleep of the child:

Newborns tend to feel drowsy and sleep for long periods, especially immediately after birth. As a result of the birth process itself and the medications that were given to the mother at this stage, of course the child will refuse to breastfeed as a result of his constant desire to sleep, but there is no need to worry about this matter; Because it is only a temporary stage, you can wake your baby up by gently rubbing his feet or back, or changing his nappy just before feeding.
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