Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Treatment of learning disorder in children

Learning difficulties in children:

Learning difficulties in children are usually circumstantial problems that a child can experience at any time and at any age of schooling, and there are many reasons that lead to learning difficulties, which are always temporary, and therefore the earlier it is discovered and the attempt to deny these reasons, the faster and better the improvement, this situation is not similar to disorders Learning, which is related to a kind of problems involved in the child’s development, which is that the child is of normal intelligence, despite schooling in the correct way, and although the educational and family framework is keen on the child’s schooling and does not suffer from any mental or nervous disorders, yet despite this he is unable to learn, which is what is called Learning disorder in children and symptoms of this disorder may appear even before entering school.

It should be noted that undertaking learning disorders in children is not similar to the method of undertaking schooling difficulties, so it is necessary to distinguish between them and avoid confusion. These difficulties are due to a lack of care on the part of the family or the educational framework, or they are also related to some unhealthy habits and behaviors, such as staying for a long time in front of the TV, telephone, and various electronic devices. This is where there is a significant lack of physical activities that improve the mental activity of the child.

Learning disorders in children:

In the absence of all the causes leading to learning difficulties, and the specialist completes all tests and assessments that confirm the integrity of the child’s IQ, and the educational and family framework surrounding the child is sound and treats him well. Nevertheless, the child remains unable to continue his educational attainment in a normal way. In this case, we talk about a learning disorder when In this case, the child must first determine the type of disorder that the child suffers from and try to understand their capabilities and how they acquire knowledge, so that in the end a joint program can be built with the family, the child, the specialist, and the school to try to integrate the child and enable him to continue his education despite these disorders.

Learning disorders may affect the child's social relations, as the child is sometimes unable to make friends with his peers, either because of hyperactivity or excessive shyness, or because of his constant feeling of inferiority and that he is unable to shine and succeed like the rest of his classmates, so he feels like a failure, which affects his behavior, which may sometimes be the sign that Through which the parents and the school notice a defect in the child.

Symptoms of learning disorders in children:

Signs of learning disorders in a child can be divided into two stages. The first appears before entering school and is usually language or speech, because the child at the age of four and five years is supposed to have sound and rich language. Language is the gateway to learning. If the child suffers from language problems, he will face Necessarily difficulties in learning, in addition to the behaviors practiced by the child, which are carriers of indicators and indications such as distraction and hyperactivity, which requires early commitment before entering school. On the other hand, there are children who show symptoms of learning disorders only after entering school when the child finds himself, despite his good schooling, he is still unable to read smoothly and his writing is bad.

Diagnosis of learning disorders in children:

The specialist must first make sure that there is no organic problem that may be causing this problem, then he goes through a second stage to carry out a set of assessments that determine the child's ability to read and write, which helps in obtaining an accurate diagnosis of the type of disorder that the child suffers from and also helps in Determine the abilities and skills of the child, and on this basis, a program is prepared in order to build the most suitable method that helps the child to continue his education.

Treatment of learning disorders in children:

There are no specific medications for the treatment of learning disorders in children, but there are medications that the specialist prescribes in certain cases, such as the case of excessive movement, where there are medications that are able to reduce this problem, and the root of excessive movement is always due to a problem in concentration, and the child psychologist can prescribe appropriate medications, which are These pharmacological solutions help to solve the problem, in addition to trying to identify the child's strengths and abilities for good investment and help him continue his scientific formation.