Treatment of gastroenteritis in children.. Infections caused by bacterial causes

Gastroenteritis in children:

Gastroenteritis is one of the most common diseases among children. It is an infection caused by bacterial causes. These germs can be either viruses or bacteria sometimes. This infection may be dangerous for children and may cause complications, especially in children under two years.

These infections cause symptoms whose severity varies according to the causes of the inflammation, but they are generally summarized in frequent vomiting, severe diarrhea, high body temperature, and sometimes abdominal pain. But if the infection is caused by a viral infection and the necessary medications and antibiotics are taken, the child can recover after about three days.

the reasons:

Gastroenteritis is an infectious disease that is transmitted either through touch or through contaminated food and water. These infections appear especially in the winter season, since most of their causes are caused by viruses that multiply during the winter season. Gastritis can result from a bacterial infection that affects the intestines, such as salmonella, which is one of the most common The type of bacteria that infects the stomach and is present in contaminated food. And these germs secrete toxins that in turn cause diarrhea or multiply in the intestines, causing stomach ulcers, which leads to the appearance of blood in the stool.


Complications of gastroenteritis are dangerous, especially in children under two years old. These complications are especially represented in the occurrence of dehydration in the body resulting from the child’s loss of significant amounts of water and mineral salts, which leads to a decrease in the level of fluids in the body. Signs of dehydration include paleness of the skin, lack of urination and crying without tears, and If these symptoms appear, the child should be taken directly to the specialist.


The first treatment aims to restore the fluids lost by the body as a result of defecation and vomiting, and this is done through an aqueous solution prescribed by the specialist rich in water and mineral salts for the child to drink to avoid continued dehydration. There are also other medications to reduce diarrhea, which are benign bacteria that help strengthen the child’s immune system. The digestive tract contains a number of benign bacteria and viruses that work to strengthen and enhance the immune system, and for this reason it is forbidden to provide antibiotics to the child because they will cause the destruction of these benign bacteria and allow harmful bacteria to enter the body. The inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection and therefore these antibiotics are offered to eliminate the bacteria.

Preventive measures:

Paying attention to the rules of maintaining health and making sure to wash hands frequently.
Maintaining the cleanliness and safety of foods and paying attention to their storage methods.
Vaccination against some types of viruses that cause enteritis, and vaccinations are generally optional. They are injected into the child before reaching 6 months.
Drink clean water.
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