Tips for weaning a child from breastfeeding and maintaining his health

Tips for weaning from breastfeeding:

Finally, if you decide to start weaning your child from breastfeeding, we invite you first to review the following tips that may support you in your new decision:

Prepare an alternative when you feel it's feeding time:

such as offering him some food, a toy he likes, or anything you think is appropriate to make him forget about feeding.

Delay and reduce the feeding time gradually until your child gets used to fewer feedings per day:

this gradation will be comfortable for you and your baby, as the gradation will make the pain less for you as well, and protect your body from symptoms that may be dangerous and painful.

Be affectionate with your child, as it may be difficult for him:

tenderness at this stage is very important, so you do not have to move away from your child with the intention of not reminding him to breastfeed.

Beware of the weaning method that depends on being away from the child for several days to wean him:

your child suffers when he is deprived of the breastfeeding he loves and deprived of the closeness that occurs between you during breastfeeding, which is the most severe thing at this stage due to your presence, your feelings and your embrace that makes him feel safe.

Do not force your child to eat something if he does not want to.

Remember that honey is forbidden in the first year of a child's life:

Also, avoid salt, sugar and foods that may cause choking, and always be by your child's side while eating.

Final note:

Your breasts may fill with milk as a result of weaning and cause you some pain, and this is normal and temporary and you do not have to worry about it, just call your doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment for you or use the machine designed to express a little milk from the breast (just a little to relieve the feeling of pain without stimulating the breast to make more of milk) until things return to normal.
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