Tips before leaving the hospital for mother and child.. Vaccinations for newborns

Tips before leaving the hospital for mother and child:

Congratulations, you finally became a mother after the arduous journey of pregnancy, and you started wondering about the first steps that you should take in the world of motherhood.

First, before you leave the hospital, you must:
  • Not leaving the hospital before being fully assured of your health and that of your infant, in the event of a natural birth or a cesarean section; difficult or complications occurred during the operation.
  • In the event that this is the first time that you have given birth to a child, you can stay in the hospital to obtain the assistance of the medical staff, regarding how to breastfeed and deal with the child.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), women differ in their need to stay in the hospital after childbirth, and doctors can decide this after reviewing the status of the woman and her infant.

There are a number of things that you must make sure that you do for your child before leaving the hospital, the most important of which are:

Make sure to take the APGAR test for the child:

This is something that is usually done routinely by the medical team after the birth process to ensure the general safety of the child, such as pulse, breathing, muscle flexion, and other matters that include:

  • Ensure that the medical team carries out what is called a "newborn examination", which is subjecting the child to a set of different tests for early detection in the event of a serious disease such as thalassemia. This examination must be carried out after the first day of birth.
  • Measure the length and weight of a newborn baby and write it down.
  • Apply protective eye drops.
  • Giving a newborn a vitamin K injection.
  • Your child can be given the hepatitis vaccine, and it can also be postponed to a later date, and you can consult your doctor about the best option for your child.

Vaccinations for newborns:

Vaccinations protect your child from 14 different diseases, some of which pose a threat to him before the completion of his second year. These vaccines include:

  • Hepatitis B vaccine should be given to the child within the first 12 hours after birth, and then given again after two months.
  • The DTaP vaccine protects a child against three serious diseases: tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria.
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine.
  • Rotavirus vaccine (RV).
  • Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).
  • PCV13 vaccine, which protects a child from pneumococcal disease.
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