Things you should do after every feed of your baby.. Breast cleaning. Wetting the nipples. Clean the infant's tongue from the effects of milk

The importance of breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding is one of the bridges of love and safety between the mother and her child, as it is not limited to providing the optimal food for the child only, but also provides him with stronger immunity and better intelligence, so every mother must prepare healthfully and psychologically to breastfeed her child by taking care of her health and nutrition, and learning more about breastfeeding nature, and even educate her husband to support and sustain her during this great undertaking.

Tips for maintaining health after breastfeeding:

Some tips that you should do after each feeding, in order to take care of your health and the health of your little one:

1- Clean and dry the breasts and nipples thoroughly:

Of course, you are keen to provide a clean and sterile environment for your little one whose immunity has not yet been completed, so do not forget to clean your nipples after each feeding of traces of your baby’s saliva, which is an attractive environment for fungi and bacteria that you never want to pass into your little one’s mouth in the next feeding.

2- Helping your little one to burp:

In the first months of a child's life, he develops his skills in sucking and suckling, and during that he swallows large amounts of air, and he does not have the ability to burp and excrete air on his own, so you have to help him by carrying him upright and patting him on his back until the excess air comes out of his stomach.

3- Wetting the nipples:

In the first period after giving birth, you will need to constantly moisturize your nipples until they get used to breastfeeding, and to avoid nipples getting cracks and painful wounds, use a moisturizing cream that contains lanolin, which helps to regenerate skin cells and moisturize it efficiently, or apply a little breast milk to the nipples after cleaning and drying them Well, it contains healing and moisturizing properties that will protect and prevent cracked nipples.

If you feel severe pain in your nipples during feeding, it is most likely due to your baby not attaching to the nipples properly, so you must learn the correct feeding positions and choose what suits you best to avoid feeling pain, instead of applying endless amounts of moisturizers in vain.

We advise you to use cotton breast pads to prevent the nipples from rubbing against clothes and irritating them, to absorb excess milk and prevent it from leaking from the breast to the clothes, while making sure to change them frequently as soon as they are full.

4- Offer a little water to your child:

After the appearance of your child's first teeth, you should pay attention to the problem of tooth decay due to breast-feeding milk, especially night feeding, as the accumulation of milk residue in the child's mouth leads to the growth of bacteria that feed on it, leaving acidic traces that harm your child's teeth and lead to decay.

Offer your child a little water after each feeding, to reduce the concentration of milk residue in his mouth, and to protect his small teeth from decay.

5- Clean your infant’s tongue from traces of milk:

Many newborns are exposed to the problem of the milky tongue, which is a white layer that covers the infant’s tongue and fungi grow on it, which causes an unpleasant smell to the child’s mouth, and in some cases he is unable to breastfeed due to the fungus accumulated on his tongue, and to avoid this from happening, you must clean your child’s tongue properly , after each feeding or at least twice a day.

Wash your hands well, then wrap a piece of clean gauze on your finger, then wet it with a little warm, previously boiled water, wipe your child's tongue from traces of milk, and gently clean the gums and the sides of his mouth from the inside as well.
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