The importance of proper nutrition and its role in increasing breast milk production

The role of proper nutrition in increasing breast milk production:

Adequate nutrition while breastfeeding is one of the main ways to increase breast milk supply. Mothers need to get more calories while breastfeeding so that they can get enough milk for their babies.

The three main meals should be accompanied by two nutritious meals to provide all the micronutrients that the mother needs in addition to the calories. It should be noted that mothers' need for calories, minerals and vitamins during breastfeeding differs from that during pregnancy. Follow a balanced and healthy diet during breastfeeding, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes and cow's milk. In addition to protein, substances such as vitamin D, calcium, omega-3 and omega-6 reach the mother's body.

Studies have shown that the mother's nutrition affects not only her health, but also the quantity and quality of her milk. Therefore, serious efforts have been made to meet the nutritional needs and support mothers during breastfeeding. One of the achievements of these studies and efforts is fortified milk, which fills the micronutrient gaps in cow's milk.

Ways to increase milk supply for a breastfeeding woman:

There are some foods that increase breastfeeding and feed the baby with breast milk only. Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs for growth, and it boosts the overall brain activity of a newborn.

Here is a list of more than one type of foods that should be included in your diet to increase breast milk supply. These foods are useful for increasing breast milk and providing the necessary conditions for the healthy development of the baby.


It is very easy to prepare oatmeal as a meal.
Oatmeal is useful for controlling diabetes after pregnancy.
Oatmeal is a source of energy.
This food contains easily digestible fiber.
A bowl of oatmeal is the perfect breakfast food. If you think that oatmeal is not an appetizer for you, you can search and learn about the benefits of oatmeal.


Salmon is a rich source of essential fatty acids (EFA) and omega-3.
EFA and Omega 3 are highly nutritious and essential for breastfeeding mothers.
Including salmon in the mother's diet while breastfeeding increases the lactation hormone and makes the breast milk more nutritious.
You can use salmon steamed, poached, or even grilled.


Having a glass of carrot juice at breakfast or lunch will lead to a sudden increase in breast milk supply.
Like spinach, eating carrots improves the quality of breast milk.
This food contains vitamin A and is a supplement to breastfeeding and increases the quality of breast milk.
You can use carrots raw, steamed, or in soups.
In winter, try making a puree with carrots, warm milk and sugar and put it on your family table.


Pumpkin is a vegetable that contains a high amount of nutrients.
This summer vegetable contains a lot of water, so it is effective in supplying the mother’s body with water during breastfeeding.
Pumpkin also helps increase the amount of breast milk.
Easy to digest.
Drinking fresh pumpkin juice is beneficial in helping lower blood sugar levels, but make sure that the pumpkin you eat is fresh.

Basil leaves:

Basil leaves are a rich source of antioxidants.
Basil leaves have a calming effect and are considered one of the most important foods for a nursing mother.
Consumption of basil leaves increases the immunity level of the child.
Put a few basil leaves in your tea or pour it into hot water and use it in the morning.

Spinach and beetroot leaves:

Spinach and beetroot contain iron, calcium and folic acid.
Spinach and beetroot leaves are essential for treating anemic mothers.
This food is useful in strengthening the bodies of children.
Spinach and beetroot leaves contain antiseptic agents.
Spinach contains special phytochemicals that can help prevent breast cancer.
The leaves of these plants can be used to make soup.
Combining them with sourdough, sugary bread, or other breads can be a complete meal.
Remember to eat spinach in moderation, as overeating can lead to diarrhea in your child.


Asparagus is one of the foods that should be included in the diet of mothers during lactation, as it increases milk supply.
This food is rich in fiber.
Asparagus is rich in vitamins A and K.
Asparagus helps stimulate the hormones essential to breastfeeding for breastfeeding mothers.
Wash the asparagus well and chop it finely. Then I boil it with milk. This drink is useful for increasing breast milk.

Fennel seeds:

Consuming fennel seeds increases breast milk.
Fennel seeds are easy to digest and also help in controlling the pain of the child.
Fennel seeds can be added to vegetables and other foods along with other spices. You can also add it to your tea or mix a little NOW cereal with milk and drink it.
You can also put a few fennel seeds in your mouth after every meal.

Fenugreek seeds:

Putting fenugreek seeds in the meals of mothers during breastfeeding is effective in increasing breast milk.
Chewing fenugreek seeds with a glass of milk is useful for preventing constipation after childbirth.
These seeds increase the amount of breast milk.
Sprouted fenugreek seeds are among the food spices and flavors.
By mixing fenugreek seeds and rice, you can make a sweet and healthy bread for breakfast.

the Garlic:

Garlic contains chemical compounds that help mothers during breastfeeding.
Consuming garlic protects the mother and the child from any type of cancer.
Fry some garlic cloves in oil and use them in soup.
Also, you can eat garlic with vegetables.
Another way to use garlic is to fry a handful of cloves in oil and mix it with steamed rice, and use this food daily as a snack.


Barley is not only effective in increasing breast milk, but also helps to maintain the mother's body during breastfeeding.
You can boil barley for use during the day.
You can also combine other favorite barley and vegetables and use them daily.


Consuming cumin seeds increases breast milk. Of course, mothers should make sure to take it for cumin in moderation.
Cumin seeds burn fat and increase appetite.
To use cumin in daily meals, cumin powder can be added to milk or any other drink.


Sesame is a rich source of calcium and has an effective role in increasing breast milk during breastfeeding.
Mix sesame seeds with milk, sugar and almonds, and also notice that you consume a limited amount of sesame every few days.


During and after pregnancy, hormonal balance is loses in the mother's body. Dried apricots contain special chemicals this level of hormones in the body.
Apricot is a rich source of calcium and fiber and helps increase breast milk.
Do not exclude apricots, walnuts and oatmeal from your diet for breastfeeding.

cows milk:

Cow's milk contains calcium and EFA, and its eating increases breast milk during breastfeeding.
Add at least 2 to 3 cups of cow's milk to your diet daily.
Cow's milk can be drunk in your diet at any time of the day.

Dill leaves:

Dill leaves have long legs and dark green color and soft hair. This plant also has a certain smell.
Researchers believe that eating dill leaves helps increase breast milk.
Dill leaves contain a high percentage of fiber and vitamin K, and these nutrients help compensate for the blood of the lost mother during childbirth.
Dill leaves can be added to pasta or yogurt for decoration.

Chicken thighs:

Chicken thighs contain a lot of iron and calcium.
Eating chicken thighs is useful to increase breast milk during breastfeeding.
Chicken thighs strengthen immunity and strengthen the nervous system.
Chicken thighs can be used on steam, and a mixture of vegetables can be used with cooking and tastes.

poppy seed:

It is very important for mothers to rest completely during breastfeeding, poppy seeds contain soothing properties and help to relax and calm mothers' mind.
Make sure the amount of poppy seeds in your diet.
Poppy seeds help relax the mind and body of mothers during breastfeeding.
Chickpea poppy seeds and add them to the soups.

Water and juices:

Consuming water and juices during breastfeeding helps increase breast milk.
Consuming water and juices during breastfeeding prevents the dryness of the mother and compensates for lost fluids during breastfeeding.
It is recommended to drink a cup of water or juices when you feel thirsty or even before breastfeeding your child.

last word:

Avoid using supplements on your own. Make sure to consult a doctor before use. Some herbal or fennel tea compounds may be harmful to the child. Fenugreek is one of the useful supplements for mothers that increase milk generation, and can be used at any age. Mothers usually take this supplement on breakfast, lunch or dinner 3 times a day to increase milk. It is forbidden for pregnant women and those who eat blood malls. Consult the dietitian before taking these supplements.
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