The effect of breastfeeding on infant brain nutrition

Breastfeeding newborn brains:

The first year of a newborn’s life is considered one of the most important years of life with regard to brain development and preservation, as 70% of the brain grows in the first year of a child’s life, so the interest in breastfeeding was first at this age.

The importance of breast milk in the development of the child's intelligence:

A lot of research and studies also confirmed the importance of breast milk in the development of the child's intelligence, as children who were breastfed from their mother's milk achieved superiority in intelligence tests compared to others, and the longer the period of their consumption of natural milk, the higher the intelligence rate, in addition to the less exposure to neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia.

Children who were fed breast milk are the most intelligent children, according to a study conducted at the University of De Chile, where the researcher Anderson analyzed several studies that were conducted to find out the level of intelligence of children who were breastfed, and the researcher found that these children outperform their peers from children Those who were fed artificial milk have a difference of 3.2 points in intelligence, which may increase to three other points sometimes, bringing the total to 6 points, and despite the great efforts made by companies to manufacture milk that is close to breast milk, the gap still exists.

Ingredients of breast milk:

Mother's milk contains omega-3 fatty acids, the concentration of which increases with the increase in its availability in her food. It is a fatty acid that has a very positive effect on the development of the infant's brain, and because the infant's brain is fully developed in the first year of life, this age stage was very sensitive and more demanding for attention after the first year of life. the fetus, the breastfeeding mother must maintain the diversity of her diet and supply it with more omega-3 fatty acids.
Some studies confirm that taking care of brain development is more important in the first year after birth than in the embryonic stage, because brain development during infancy and early childhood is more important than growth during fetal life specifically in cognitive function.

Language learning:

Breastfeeding helps children learn language and develop their motor skills faster, and breast milk contains an amount of protein that is suitable for the digestion and assimilation of the child and does not constitute a heavy burden on the functions of the liver and kidneys.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the benefit of breast milk to find out what distinguishes it from all the milks in the world. The results were always in favor of breast milk, due to its superiority in several aspects that help the strong and natural growth of the child's brain. Its richness in lactose makes it the most suitable type of milk for mental development, and the mineral salt that characterizes breast milk is calcium, which is important for the activity of nerves, in addition to the growth of teeth and bones.

Miscellaneous minerals:

The amount of minerals in breast milk is small compared to other types of milk, as it is equal to a quarter of its amount in cow's milk, but it is more beneficial thanks to its ease of absorption by the child.

Breast milk after birth (until the thirteenth day) contains colostrum, which is colostrum, as it is a concentrated milk rich in minerals, immunosuppressants, some enzymes, proteins, sugars and fats. The association of proteins with water made it sticky and dense, similar to gelatin in terms of retaining water, thus preserving the safety of the newborn from dehydration resulting from frequent excretion.


Breast milk is characterized by the fact that it does not contain petalactoclopin, which is found in cow’s milk, which causes allergic reactions in the child. It also contains sufficient amounts of alpha-lactalbumin, which plays an important role in the formation of myelin of neurons. It also contains substances that help absorb iron in the intestine, germicidal substances, viruses and much more. Other features.

Hormones, growth factors and cytokines:

Breast milk contains hormones, growth factors, and cytokines. Breastfeeding allows for normal growth until at least 6 months of age. The longer the breast-feeding period, the better for the health of the child until the age of two years. Many studies indicate that breastfeeding is associated with enhanced performance in growth tests. Cognitive, breastfeeding for at least 3 months is associated with a decrease in the rate and severity of diarrhea, otitis media and respiratory tract infections, and breastfeeding for a period of at least 6 months is associated with a decrease in the incidence of allergies in infants, and breastfeeding in general is associated with a decrease in The rate of obesity in childhood and adolescence, and low cases of high blood pressure and high cholesterol during adulthood. It is preferable to take some complementary vitamins during the lactation period, such as vitamin A, D, and potassium after consulting a doctor. If the mother has an infectious disease, she should consult a doctor about The possibility of feeding her newborn through breastfeeding.

sialic acid:

Mother's milk contains sialic acid, which is important for the correct development of the brain, which is not sufficiently present in formula milk, as its percentage in formula milk does not exceed 20%. Its importance lies in the formation of memory, the improvement of learning and perception, and the development of brain development.

Copper - Zinc:

Copper (zinc) is an essential nutrient for the proper development of the brain during pregnancy and lactation. It also forms an essential duo with iron for brain health in the early stages of life, as its deficiency often leads to disorders in the nervous system.

fruits and vegetables:

Children also become more likely to eat fruits and vegetables if mothers eat them while breastfeeding, which means that they are provided with an advanced level of nutrients after weaning.

Problems that hinder breastfeeding:

Some mothers face many problems that hinder them from breast-feeding. The mother's work, her infection with infectious and dangerous diseases, or the death of the mother makes us resort to using alternatives, which, no matter how high their quality, will not reach the quality matching breast milk. Therefore, it is necessary to choose milk that suits its stage of growth and contains vitamins. And the minerals, proteins and fats he needs.

Fatty acids:

New types of milk have emerged that are rich in fatty acids that help brain development, namely omega-3s of both types (DHA) and (EPA). They are definitely better than cow's milk, as their composition is carefully studied and developed to compensate the child somewhat for natural milk.
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