The amount of milk that an infant should receive from its mother's breast

The importance of breastfeeding:

There is almost no mother who does not worry about the amount of milk her baby is feeding. All women who become mothers, without exception, are looking for ways to increase their milk supply.

According to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding should be exclusive for the first six months. Solid foods can be gradually added to the baby's diet after six months.

In addition to eating solid foods, breastfeeding should continue until the age of two. Mother's milk is the best food for a child, as it contains sufficient and balanced amounts of various nutrients and vital active compounds that ensure optimal growth for the child and all of his body's organs.

Strengthening the immune system:

The bioactive compounds in breast milk are natural compounds with biological activity that also have nutritional value. Because of these substances, breast milk is the only food that strengthens the child's immune system and natural flora in the best way and protects it from diseases.

Given the importance of breastfeeding, many breastfeeding mothers are concerned about being able to get enough milk to feed their babies; The amount of milk a child eats daily and whether this quantity is sufficient to meet his nutritional needs. Carrots, salmon, oatmeal, spinach, fennel, asparagus, cumin, water, juice, almonds, garlic and peas are some of the substances that increase breast milk.

Is your baby breastfeeding enough?

There is almost no way to determine how much milk a baby feeds each time; But with the following symptoms, it is possible to determine whether the milk the child eats is enough for him or not:

  • Gradual weight gain according to scientific standards.
  • Hearing the baby swallowing milk while breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeed eight to twelve times a day and the baby is full between breastfeedings.
  • Defecation in proportion to the number of breastfeeding times.
  • The feeling of the breast being full and full before breastfeeding and the feeling of emptying the milk from it after breastfeeding.
  • If signs and symptoms indicate that not enough milk is being produced, women should look for ways to increase milk supply. If the lack of milk makes the baby hungry, the baby will be healthier and happier with more breast milk.
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