Symptoms that indicate your baby has diabetes.. Provide immediate care for a diabetic infant

Diabetes in a newborn baby:

Some infants are exposed to health problems after birth, including diabetes, which is most often caused by the genetic factor, but it is not a cause for concern if the newborn gets the necessary care.
In order to ensure immediate care for a diabetic infant, parents must monitor his health from his early days. Therefore, read about the symptoms of diabetes in infants in this matter, in order to provide him with the opportunity for early treatment.

What are the symptoms of diabetes in infants?

  • High and unusual urination rate.
  • Dry mouth of the infant.
  • The infant's significant loss of weight instead of its proper growth for this age stage during which the child gains height and weight.
  • Lack of movement is a symptom of this disease that affects children.
  • Increased heart rate, which leads to faster breathing.
  • A child with diabetes causes him to have abdominal pain.
  • Repeated vomiting of the infant during the day is a sign of diabetes.
  • The child sweats abnormally.
  • - Also, the shaking of the infant's limbs is evidence of diabetes.

What are the therapeutic methods used in this case?

  • The doctor following the infant's condition may request that it be treated with short or long-term insulin injections, according to his need. Injections can be dispensed with in favor of pills or in favor of the pump that is fixed on the infant's abdomen and then transmits insulin through the skin.
  • Breastfeeding may be an important means that contributes to determining the levels of insulin present in the child's blood, in addition to the feeling of safety that the infant derives from its mother during this process.
  • Monitoring the child's condition permanently (i.e. monitoring the rate of urination, sweating, fatigue, etc.).
  • Use the home machine for checking blood sugar levels to monitor the infant's health condition. It is useful to repeat this examination every 3 or 4 hours during the day.
  • Providing care, love and attention to the child so that he is comfortable on a psychological level.
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