Signs of autism in children and infants.. Loss of eye contact. Isolation from others. Sensitivity to casein and gluten

Signs of autism in children and infants:

Those signs that you will read in the following lines can be called the initial signs of the disease, which may appear on the infant and take their way to clarity as they age, to become after the age of two years visible to everyone, and the disease is often diagnosed at the age of three years, and signs of autism in children The infants are as follows:

  • He does not produce the usual babble sounds in that age period, or is delayed in comparison to an infant of his age.
  • The infant with autism, when carried, finds that the body stiffens and takes one straight line, because he is unable to move his body.
  • Most likely, an infant with autism will not smile at you or others.
  • Whenever you call him by his name or talk to him, he does not pay attention to you, as if he is deaf and does not hear you.
  • He doesn't want anyone to take care of him, and he doesn't even respond to a hug.
  • He loses visual contact, so he doesn't follow or pay attention to things that move with his eyes.
  • He does not wave you with both hands to carry him, nor does he offer the desire to carry him upwards.
  • He does not want to play or communicate with anyone.
  • One of the strongest signs indicating that a child has autism is his sensitivity to casein and gluten, so he always has problems in the digestive system, which are flatulence, constipation, gas, and cramps.
  • The autistic person does not try to ask for his basic requirements and does not ask anyone for help, and repeats the same movements, and sometimes follows a specific pattern that does not change it, and suffers from a defect in regulatory functions such as sleep, eating, or attention.
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