Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Retractile testicle (Cryptorchidism) migratory testicles for children

migratory testicle:

The migratory testicle for children is one of the most common operations in pediatric surgery, as this condition affects between 1 and 2% of children, and it usually affects newborns, as one or both testicles remain in the abdominal area instead of settling and descending in its place.

This medical condition has many names such as undescended testicle, undescended testicle, and hidden testicle.

Types of migratory testicles:

We find two types of migratory testicles:

Tangible migratory testicle:

Which represents 70% of the cases, which is represented in the doctor's ability to touch the testicle and trace it clearly in the area in which it settled.

Intangible migratory testicle:

It is a case in which the doctor cannot locate the testicle by clinical examination or by looking.

Causes of migratory testicle:

The reasons that lead to the occurrence of this problem, which include the premature birth of the child, because when the fetus is in his mother’s womb, his testicles are formed in the abdominal area first, then they begin to descend gradually until they settle in place a month or two before the date of birth, and if he was born prematurely The testicle does not settle in its place, and on the other hand, the birth of a child with a low weight can lead to infection of the migratory testicle for children, and other reasons are also the smoking of the pregnant woman during pregnancy and her gestational diabetes, the child’s disease or a hormonal problem, especially the androgen hormone, etc. ..

Diagnosis of migratory testicle:

The clinical examination is sufficient to confirm whether or not surgery is necessary, and sometimes we can use ultrasound, especially if the child is obese.

Complications of migratory testicle:

As for the complications, they are summarized in the possibility of testicular cancer or testicular torsion, which is an urgent condition that requires urgent surgical intervention, and it can also cause weakness in fertility or even infertility. Dr. Chakroun explained that originally the testicles remain outside the body at a temperature lower than the temperature of the human body to ensure that they continue to function properly. Sperm or to lose it completely, especially if the testicle does not develop in size.

However, studies have shown that men who faced the problem of migratory testicles with only one testicle have the same chances of becoming fathers as men who were born with two healthy testicles.

Treatment of migratory testicle:

As for the treatment, Dr. Mohamed Chakroun confirmed that it is mainly surgery, and since the child, if he exceeds the age of six months, the testicle will not be able to descend on its own, so the surgery is performed from the age of nine months, if possible.

It is also possible to perform operations related to the testicle simultaneously with operations related to circumcision or hernia, and he stressed at this point that parents should carry out the necessary examinations and not postpone any surgical intervention as long as it is in the interest of the child.