My Baby Fell From His Cot: What Should I Do?

Baby falling out of bed:

Babies have innocence and pure instinct, they do not realize the dangers of things around them, so the mother does everything in her power to protect her little one and keep him away from what might harm him, until he grows up and realizes that himself.

After the first three months of the baby's life, he begins to crawl, move, and discover the world around him. He loves to climb high places in search of fun, but his little feet often stumble and fall as a result of not mastering the steps yet, so he cries a little and then continues his journey of discovering the things around him.

Sometimes the little one falls out of his bed when he wakes up and tries to look for his mother, or when he turns over while sleeping, and is exposed to shocks in different places of his body, which makes the mother wonder: When is the fall of my child dangerous? What should I do when he falls out of his bed?

How can I be assured that my child is okay after falling?

  • Calm your baby and hug him gently, making sure there are no injuries, cuts or bruises.
  • Remain calm, so that your panic doesn't pass on to your child and make things worse.
  • Do not move your child from his place, until you are assured of his safety.
  • If your child can speak, then ask him some simple questions, such as asking him to tell you what happened, because his remembrance of what happened and his narration is evidence of his awareness.
  • Extend your hand to him and ask him to say hello to you, and make sure that he is able to move his limbs.
  • Ask him to open and close his eyes several times.

What do I do when my child falls on his head?

Falling on the head is the most dangerous of all, so you must monitor your child for 24 hours after falling on his head, and if any of the following symptoms appear on him, you must go to the specialist doctor to examine him immediately and make sure of his safety:
  • Extreme drowsiness and falling asleep immediately after a fall.
  • Continuous vomiting.
  • The child is disturbed by bright lights and loud sounds.
  • Speech or vision disturbances.
  • Nose or ear bleeding.
  • Swelling of the head or forehead.
  • Loss of balance when walking.
  • Continuous crying without stopping.

First aid bag:

Make sure that you have a first aid bag in your home that contains antiseptic, sterile gauze and the necessary tools, so that you can first aid your child in the event that he suffers - God forbid - a bleeding wound when he falls, until he goes to the hospital and is treated in a specialized manner.
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