Is it necessary to burp the child after eating?.. Signs that indicate the accumulation of gases in the child

The importance of burping the baby:

Burping a baby is one of the techniques parents should know to help a newborn pass gas. If you have just become a parent for the first time, the information we provide you here will be useful to you.
Should the child burp after eating?

Feeding the baby is one of the major concerns of new parents. This results in many discomforts that adults don't know how to manage, such as belching and gas. Gas buildup occurs regularly during the first six months of life. When a child burps after eating, he repels it.
Symptoms may still persist, however, so fears arise when we do not know how to deal with them. What causes gases in children? Could a condition or disease be the cause? Does burping a baby really help?

What causes gases in children?

The first thing you should know is that gas in babies is inevitable. It is a condition that arises due to their feeding behavior during the first weeks of their lives and the condition of their internal organs. Gases usually result from the following conditions:

Their digestive system has not yet developed:

Children's digestive systems do not fully develop until they reach full maturity. Although times may vary, it does gain a certain maturity after six months of age, which does not reach its fullness until the age of 5 years. So it is normal for gases to appear.

The child swallows air when crying or sucking when feeding (especially when taking a bottle) or when eating and swallowing quickly:

Swallowing air is considered a normal condition in newborns, although, unfortunately, it causes consequences such as flatulence. The amount of air that reaches the stomach, intentionally or unintentionally, decreases as it grows.

Certain stomach problems such as constipation, gastroesophageal reflux or colic:

Digestive disorders are very common during the first year of life. So parents should learn to manage it according to the pediatrician's recommendations.

Hypersensitivity or sensitivity in particular to the ingredients of the formula added to the bottle:

Allergies are less common than anaphylaxis, as the latter is related to the level of development of the digestive system.

These are the four main causes of gas in babies. And other problems, such as not being able to breastfeed the child and unregulated eating during his first meals.

It should be noted that the food eaten by the mother is not the cause of this or other similar problems. However, some mothers who think otherwise set food restrictions without any justification, avoiding spicy foods, acidic foods, and cold foods. However, science considers these restrictions unnecessary, unless suggested by a pediatrician.

Signs that indicate the accumulation of gases in the child:

There are many symptoms that alert you that your baby may have gas. And the male finds that this is a natural and inevitable condition. Therefore, it is recommended not to despair if this condition often appears. Among the main symptoms are:

Crying and behaviors that express discomfort:

Crying is the only means of communication in which babies express their feelings and emotions. And the baby may suffer from gas accumulation if he cries immediately after feeding.

Excessive flatulence:

Flatulence is a common condition in children. However, it is a symptom of gas in the digestive tract if it is too much after breastfeeding. His body tries to expel them through flatulence in order to relieve pressure.

Sleep or eating disorders:

It is true that sleep and eating disorders are a sign of many conditions. However, it is very likely to indicate gas buildup if it appears in the right context along with the other symptoms mentioned.

The child writhes, transmits a feeling of pain, and also tries to bring his legs back to his chest. It also shows behavior such as quick anger and not feeling happy. The gases produce a feeling of discomfort that results in all these symptoms.
She may also notice a slight swelling in her tummy and the baby coughing a lot. The buildup of these signs does not always indicate a buildup of gas. In fact, most of them occur naturally even when there is no underlying problem. Having your pediatrician interpret them is the best way to rule out other conditions.

How do you make a child burp?

There is no scientific evidence that burping a baby significantly reduces abdominal pain. At least that's what a 2014 study with two control groups showed. Although there is little medical literature for this, there is no evidence to suggest that the methods used are counterproductive to the health of the infant.

Whether a baby burps or not, we know that gas is a normal problem during the first months of life. However, empirical evidence from many mothers shows that passing gas helps the baby calm down and sleep better.

It is therefore a recommended practice, especially if the symptoms described are very pronounced. With all of the above in mind, here are some techniques for getting your baby to burp. You can use it during and after every meal.

Putting a piece of cloth on the shoulder:

This is the classic position for burping a baby after a feeding. You stand and put his chin on your shoulder. Belching may be accompanied by a little milk. Therefore, it is recommended to use a piece of cloth or a towel to avoid staining your clothes. Once you are in this position, do the following:

  • Gently pat his back. Do this from the bottom up, to accompany the burping path from the inside out.
  • To achieve this, you tap his buttocks three or four times and then move up an inch or two until you reach his chest height.
  • To calm him down, you can try walking and making baby rocking movements.
  • There is no standard time for a baby to burp. Do this until you notice that he is not trying anymore. Also try in the middle of a meal if you see any signs of gas buildup. Ensure that his body is in an upright position to promote expulsion of belching.

vertical position:

This technique is more comfortable if you are looking for a resting position. You can do this in a rocking chair. This will help calm the baby if he or she feels uncomfortable during the procedure. In this case, you will need to do the following:
  • Sit the child on your lap and place your palm on his chest. Tilt his body slightly so that some of the weight rests on the hand supporting him.
  • pats his chest gently. To do this, follow the previous tips on bottom-up movements.
  • Be careful not to lose control of the child's body or let your hand slip down his throat. Do this for two or three minutes until he stops burping.
  • If you can't find a comfortable position for you and your baby, try sitting on your lap or on a horizontal surface (such as a bed). Have a little patience if nothing happens at first. The burp takes a few minutes to move out.

Half lying on your knees:

If the above methods don't work, try laying her face down on your lap. It should not be in a horizontal position. Instead, try placing it at a 30-degree angle. The best way to do this is to follow these instructions:
  • Put the child on your lap and lean forward, finding the angle described.
  • Ensure that his head is above his chest at all times. This will avoid problems if he vomits up a little milk or food. If necessary, support his head with your hand.
  • Gently pat his back. Don't finish until you are sure the movements don't make him burp.
  • The downside to this technique is that you are not aware of the frequency of belching. In the first case, the infant's mouth is very close to your ear, so you know the technique is working. We recommend using the methods in the order presented, as they follow the sequence of effectiveness.

When do you consult a doctor?

If symptoms persist for more than six months, the best thing to do is see a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis. In fact, allergies or intolerances to certain foods can trigger seizures of this type, conditions that require specific treatment to eliminate them.

Of course, if you see your pediatrician regularly during the first months of life, you will be able to spot a potential problem early enough. Hence the importance of going to the appointments stipulated by the latter and considering them essential for the health of the child.
A worsening of symptoms, such as blood in the stool or a fever, are red flags that you should not ignore. Consult your pediatrician immediately if these symptoms appear.
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