Infections of the lungs in children.. Viruses that cause respiratory infections

Respiratory infections:

Viruses of all kinds multiply during the cold period and cause infections in the respiratory system, from the nose to the lungs. All age groups are concerned with these infections, but their impact on children is greater.

Types of germs that infect children:

They are three types of viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and 80 percent of diseases are caused by viruses, knowing that antibiotics do not have any effect on viruses, but rather have an effect on bacteria, so you should not rush into self-treatment.

Signs of illness:

- High temperatures:

The temperature rises suddenly, and the mother has to speed up giving her child the necessary urgent medicines to avoid a rise in temperature more because of its negative repercussions, knowing that it is possible that the signs of the disease during the first 48 hours are limited to a rise in temperature only.

Lowering temperatures:

  • Medicines can be used to avoid high temperatures, as well as reduce clothes, and avoid covering the child with blankets, because his body is not like that of an adult.
  • Drink fluids and avoid being warm.
  • Use compresses on the head, hands and limbs.
  • Bathing the child by pouring water on his limbs gradually for a period of 5 or 10 minutes, then drying him, and the process can be repeated several times a day, because the temperature may rise again.

Runny nose and cough:

In parallel with these operations, you must contact the doctor, because after 48 hours new signs of the disease will appear, including a runny nose, coughing, and wheezing in the chest, and it is most often caused by inflammation in the child’s bronchi, and the disease can cause blockage of these bronchioles and difficulty breathing, so from It is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose the condition and to know whether or not the child has a viral disease.

The risk of pneumonia:

  • Pneumonia is not dangerous, but it can become serious when breathing is difficult or blue circles appear under the eyes and blue traces in the extremities as a result of a lack of oxygen, and it is a condition that requires the urgent intervention of the doctor to avoid aggravation of the condition. for purpose.
  • And feeding the baby with small and frequent feedings throughout the day while continuing to use compresses.
  • And some cases may require the child to be hospitalized for 24 hours to facilitate the process of breathing through oxygen
  • And this disease is acute at the age of between two months and nine months.


  • One of the factors that help exacerbate the disease is dampness and cold, so it is necessary to avoid transmission of infection through kissing of children by adults who are sick with colds, and to avoid sleeping next to them.
  • It is necessary to wash hands because viruses can be transmitted through them.
  • Avoid petting children directly after entering the house. You must change clothes and wash hands.
  • Humidity and cold contribute to the multiplication of viruses, so it must be warmed, especially in the early hours of dawn.
  • The disease may last for a child between 5 and 10 days. Transmission of infection between children should be avoided by not taking the child to kindergarten or nursery or isolating the sick child from other children.
  • Confirming the necessary vaccinations for children and their completeness, because they are much more important than antibiotics.

Eruption of teeth and high temperatures:

The emergence of teeth is not the cause of the high temperatures, but the lack of immunity in that period due to the emergence of teeth and the child resorting to putting anything in his mouth, which causes germs to leak into his body contribute to the high temperatures.
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