Infantile Hemangiomas.. About Strawberry Birthmarks of Babies

Infantile Hemangiomas:

Hemangiomas are clumps of extra blood vessels on a baby's skin. They may be there when the baby is born or form a few weeks or months after birth. Some may look like red, rubbery, raised "strawberry" spots, while others resemble deep bruises. Seeing a hemangioma appear can be concerning for new parents.

Identify and start managing infantile hemangiomas right after they appear:

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines say it's important to identify and start managing infantile hemangiomas right after they appear, when they tend to change the fastest.

While there can be a lot of variation in size, appearance, and location, hemangiomas are generally benign (not cancer). Most will go away on their own, without causing any problems. Some hemangiomas, particularly those on the face or those that are very large, need early treatment to prevent them from interfering with bodily functions or causing permanent scarring. Fortunately, excellent treatments already exist to prevent these problems if they are treated early.

About infantile hemangiomas:

Infantile hemangiomas appear after a baby is born, usually within the first month. Approximately 4-5% of all babies have them, although they are more common in Caucasian babies, girls, twins, and low birth weight premature babies. Infantile hemangiomas usually go through a period of rapid growth followed by a more gradual disappearance and flattening.

Types of infantile hemangiomas:

There are different types of infantile hemangiomas:

- Superficial hemangiomas:

which are called "strawberry scars" because they resemble the surface of strawberry fruits. They can start as small white, pink, or red areas on the skin that quickly change into brighter, raised red lesions. Superficial hemangiomas may be concentrated in one spot or spread over a larger area.

- Deep hemangiomas:

which have a smooth surface and form under the skin. They may have a bluish hue and resemble bruises. Some make the skin appear swollen.

- Mixed hemangiomas:

which are a combination of superficial and deep growths.
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