How to treat the phenomenon of bullying in schools

Bullying in schools:

Many suffer from the phenomenon of bullying, which is no longer confined to the preparatory or secondary stages, but has extended to children in advanced stages such as nurseries. Here is how to protect children from being bullied in schools.

Pictures and methods of bullying:

There are many forms of bullying, and ways to review them:
  • Physical harm: such as exposure to the child by pushing, punching, or beating.
  • Verbal abuse: through insults, or calling some strange names on the child.
  • Psychological or emotional harm: such as circulating or creating rumours, or ostracizing the person from a school activity or conversation.

With the spread of social media, children may share rumors are circulated more outside the university environment. Such behavior is called “cyberbullying,” or cyberbullying. This method is particularly harmful and violent, and its effects appear the next day.

Signs and symptoms of bullying:

There are some signs and symptoms, whether psychological or physical, that may be a normal reaction to things that stress the child. One of the most important symptoms that may indicate that your child is being bullied at school. Where physical symptoms may include: unexplained pain and abdominal pain. While the psychological symptoms are fear, and the child hates going to school.

Therefore, if you notice any of these signs and symptoms in your child, ask him questions, and make him speak what is inside him. You should also get to know his friends, intervene in his surroundings, and make sure that they are not bullies.

How to treat bullying in schools:

The school has an effective and sure role in addressing and preventing bullying before it begins. The most important of these roles are:

  • Rehabilitate the child to respond in situations that may cause him pressure, and put him in a position in which he cannot respond.
  • Teach the child the responses that make those in front of him stop bullying, but care must be taken that these phrases are not violent, such as: leave me alone, or go away from me, or back off, or this I don't like.
  •   Training the child to leave the place as soon as anyone starts bullying him so that it does not turn into a farce.
  •   Playing and role-playing participates in the child’s steadfastness when exposed to a bullying situation. The child must be exposed to several responses in order to derive full confidence in himself to deal with such disturbing situations. During role-playing, the child must be taught to speak in a strong and firm voice, because the shaky voice and crying enhance ego. The bully increases the practice of bullying him.
  • Promoting positive body language in the child, as he must be taught to look into the eyes of his friends, and to do so with the bully, as this will force the child to raise his head up, which makes him more confident, training the child to play with facial expressions, an angry face, a happy face, a brave face, and telling The child draws a brave face on his features while being bullied.

There is no doubt that bullying is one of the most horrible feelings that a child is exposed to, and it may negatively change the curve of his life.
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