How to take care of your son's penis?

The circumcised penis:

If you choose to have your son circumcised, the procedure will likely be done in the hospital before discharge, but sometimes it can be done afterward. Ritual circumcisions for religious reasons are usually performed in the second week after birth.

After that, a light dressing such as Vaseline gauze is placed on the head of the penis. This bandage will usually fall off the next time your baby urinates. Some pediatricians recommend keeping a clean dressing until the penis is fully healed, but other pediatricians recommend not putting on a bandage at all. The most important thing is to keep the area as clean as possible. If particles of fecal material are deposited on the penis, clean it gently.

What you can expect?

The tip of the penis will look quite red for the first few days and you may notice a yellowish discharge. These symptoms indicate that the area is healing normally. The redness and discharge should gradually disappear over the course of a week.

When should you call the pediatrician?

If redness persists, there is swelling or crusty yellow sores that contain cloudy fluid, an infection is likely. This doesn't happen very often, but if you suspect an infection, see your pediatrician.

After the circumcision has healed:

Usually, after the circumcision has healed, the penis will not need any further care. Sometimes a small piece of foreskin is still attached to the penis. If this is the case, gently pull back the skin each time you bathe your child. Examine the groove around the head of the penis and make sure it is clean.


If the circumcision is not done within the first two weeks of your baby's life (possibly for medical reasons), then it is usually postponed for a few weeks or months. Follow-up care is the same every time. If circumcision is necessary after the neonatal period, general anesthesia is used, as a more formal surgical procedure is required that requires control of bleeding and suturing of the skin edges.

The uncircumcised penis:

During the first few months, you should clean and wash your baby's uncircumcised penis and the rest of the diaper area with soap and water. Initially, the foreskin is connected to the glans, or head of the penis, with tissue, so you should not try to retract it. It is not necessary to clean the penis with cotton swabs or antiseptic.

The doctor will tell you when the foreskin has separated and can be safely retracted. This will not be for several months or years, and should never be forced. If you force the foreskin back before it is ready, it could cause painful bleeding and skin tears. After this separation occurs, retract the foreskin from time to time to gently clean the tip of the penis.

What to do as the child grows?

As your son gets older, you will need to teach him how to urinate and wash his penis. Teach him to clean his foreskin by telling him that:
  • Gently retract the foreskin from the head of the penis.
  • Wash the head of the penis and the inner fold of the foreskin with soap and warm water.
  • Push the foreskin towards the head of the penis.
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