How to deal with a stubborn two-year-old child and how to deal with a stubborn 4-year-old child

Dealing with a stubborn child at the age of two years and dealing with a stubborn child at the age of 4 years:

Children this age go through many developmental changes that cause them to act this way, and it doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with their life or your parenting skills,” explains Kristen Rushes, clinical psychologist and board-certified behavior analyst at Indiana University. At this age and what parents can do.

As Dr. Raches explains, "Children this age go through many developmental changes that cause them to act this way, and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with their life or your parenting skills."

How you can maintain your authority Here are these tips:

  • If your child tries to challenge you in a rather trivial situation, it can be helpful to let him do whatever he wants so that he can feel in control at times.
  • Avoid Saying 'No' Too Much All children need to hear the word 'no', but if you use it frequently, your child can become stubborn and defiant.
  • You can offer a stimulus or distraction for your child.
  • Don't give up! "Once you give in, your child learns that his tantrum will get him what he wants," says Dr. Raschis.
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