How do I get my child to sleep early?

Early sleep of the child:

The daily routine of the mother and the father changes after childbirth, so the mother is completely connected with her child, so she wakes up with him at night and sits with him to see if he is hungry or wants to play, and sleeps at the times he sleeps to make up for what he missed, and to regain her energy that is depleted, and in many cases she is not allowed Her time to sleep because she is busy taking care of the children and taking care of the affairs of the house and the husband.

Putting the child to sleep early:

Every mother seeks to accustom her children to a certain hour for sleeping and waking up, but sometimes she finds it difficult to organize the time for her children to sleep, and therefore several tips must be followed, including:
  • End your child's stressful day with a warm bath; Warm water relaxes the body and muscles, which helps him sleep for long hours.
  • Encourage your child to play and do sports movements before bedtime, and this is enough to consume his energy and feel tired and exhausted, so he sinks into a quiet sleep.
  • Wake your child up from sleep early in the morning and do not allow him to sleep late.
  • Connect the bedtime with telling a story or playing a simple game, and make him go to sleep immediately after that, and he will become aware with time that this story or game when it ends, it will be time to sleep.
  • Do not make your child drink a lot of water and fluids before bedtime so that he does not wake up from his sleep to go to the bathroom.
  • Create a comfortable atmosphere for him to sleep by placing dim lighting if he is afraid of the dark, and providing a quiet atmosphere for sleep.
  • Watch your child while he sleeps and determine what is the reason that awakens him from his sleep, and try to address the problem.
  • Make your child feel your love and tenderness, and give him a kiss of sleep so that he sleeps with peace of mind.
  • Putting the child to bed awake It is preferable to teach the child to sleep in the bed on his own, and that is by placing him in the bed while he is awake, so that he realizes that he is alone in the bed, not in the mother’s arms, so if the child wakes up at night, he will not need his mother or his father to help him to sleep again.
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