High temperatures in infants and children.. Gradual and sudden temperature rise

High temperatures in infants and children:

The normal body temperature is in the range of 36 and 37 degrees Celsius, and the temperature is usually low in the morning and then begins to rise gradually during the day. from its height and avoiding its complications on the health of the body.

Primary actions to address hyperthermia in infants:

The physical structure of infants under two years is very fragile in a way that they cannot control their body temperature because the mechanisms for maintaining the balance of body temperature are still immature, so care must be taken in dealing with them and avoiding exposing them to high or very low temperatures. In the event that the child's temperature rises, it is recommended to do a number of natural cooling procedures for the child to reduce his temperature quickly, including placing cold compresses on his head, removing his clothes, and providing large amounts of water, because with the effect of the high temperature, the water in the body evaporates quickly, and it is advised if the infant's body temperature rises sharply and suddenly. Putting them in a bathtub with lukewarm water that tends to cool, and leaving them in that tub for a period of time until their body temperature drops, and these initial procedures must be paralleled with giving infants fever-reducing medicines

Gradual and sudden temperature rise:

The temperature that rises in the body gradually allows the body to adapt to it and produce mechanisms to reduce it. Therefore, its effect is lighter compared to the sudden heat that the body cannot deal with, causing the child to have convulsions or to enter a coma. Therefore, when symptoms of convulsions are observed, the infant must be taken to the hospital quickly to avoid The occurrence of any serious complications to his health. Usually, children show some indicators that confirm the beginning of a high body temperature, including a change in behavior, as the child stops playing and refuses to eat or drink milk, and begins to cry gradually. Detection of high temperature while it is in medium levels, the easier the treatment and the less risk of complications. We mention that in the event of a high temperature of the child, natural cooling procedures must be taken for the child with the provision of medicines, because the drug treatments have a delayed effect compared to other methods of cooling.

Reasons for high temperatures in infants:

The appearance of the teeth:

People usually link the high body temperature of children and diarrhea with the emergence of teeth in infants, but the truth is that the relationship is not direct, but rather an indirect one. When a child is in the stage of eruption of teeth, his immunity is fragile.
It can be noted that during the period of teething, the child's saliva is large, which makes him wet himself and his clothes, which leads to infections for the child in the throat or chest area, and thus a rise in his body temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to put protectors to prevent saliva from leaking into the child's clothes. This is also noticed when the teeth erupt. The infant feels constant itching in the pubic area, so he puts all the objects in his mouth, and it is possible that these objects are not sterile and contain germs that are transmitted directly to the infant's body, which causes him to have diarrhea.

Lots of clothes:

Some parents deliberately clothe the child in many clothes and put him in hot places without ventilation for fear of catching a cold, but this condition may cause him to rise in his body temperature, so the child must always be clothed in clothes that protect him from the cold, but without negligence, while ventilating the place in which he is, but it should not Also, exposing him to large amounts of cold air, because thermal shock will cause him, in turn, to raise his body temperature.
Attention must also be paid to the safety of the food provided to the infant and the cleanliness of the hands that gave him the food, because it may cause him to have a high temperature.

Exposure to germs:

Whenever a child is exposed to germs, his temperature rises, which is an indicator for the body to detect these germs. Heat is also a weapon for the body to fight germs and kill them before they multiply. However, high temperature can lead to disturbances in the health of the infant, which are sometimes dangerous, especially for the integrity of the brain, because it is severe. Impact by various forms of high temperature. Studies indicate that about 80 percent of cases of sudden high temperatures in infants are due to viral infections that are not treated with antibiotics. Therefore, excessive provision of antibiotics to infants whenever their body temperature rises is a serious mistake that has dire repercussions on the safety of the child, as the body contains some Parasitic germs that are not harmful, but rather help in strengthening the body's immunity and preventing harmful germs from leaking to it. It also helps in facilitating the process of digesting food. Excessive consumption of antibiotics may kill these germs and deprive the body of their benefits, which makes its immunity fragile and thus be more susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, we note that infants Those who consume antibiotics in large quantities are always infected with all diseases, and their bodies are rapidly affected because their immune system has become fragile and unable to defend itself. Therefore, it is always advised not to take antibiotics except with medical prescriptions, while respecting the doses and time period prescribed by the doctor.
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