Curly children's haircut for girls and boys.. Bob Curly Cut with a Parting in the Middle. wavy bob haircut for girls

Curly children's haircut for girls and boys:

Curly (curly) hair tends to dry out and needs special care. It is recommended to use moisturizers, conditioners, and oils to keep it healthy.

Types of Curly Hairstyles for Boys and Girls:

As for curly hair styles for boys and girls, the child with curly hair feels distinguished among his friends, and he can obtain that in several ways, including:

1- Bob Curly Cut with a Parting in the Middle:

Boys' curly hair can be dealt with through a short 70s-style haircut, where the hair can be cut to shoulder length with a parting in the middle.

2- The wavy bob haircut for girls:

It is a short, graduated haircut where the front hair is longer than the back. It is suitable for girls with wavy, curly or curly hair.

Steps for curly hairstyles for girls:

Curly hairstyles for girls can be done in a simple way if you do not want to cut your child's curly hair, through some methods at home, and we explain some steps that achieve the goal as follows:

Short braid hairstyle:

By combing the wet hair and using a moisturizing cream, then dividing the child’s hair into 8-10 equal sections, to make braids, and whenever we want to get more waves, we increase the number of braids to get the desired curly hair shape.

In this way, a collar or a bow is used on the top of the head, then the hair is wrapped around it, left until the morning, and then untied, so that the results are clear.

the cake:

The hair is divided into sections and twisted into multiple buns, secured with hair clips, slept in all night and then straightened in the morning to get curly hair for the kids.
And if your child's hair is naturally curly or coiled, it can be preserved by combing it with a wide-toothed comb while bathing. It is also possible to use a cream and conditioner bath, then dry it with a cotton towel so that it remains slightly wet in the appropriate manner, then use a round brush to maintain the curly shape.
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