Croup in infants.. Laryngitis is an infection of the respiratory system

What is diphtheria?

Croup or laryngitis is a respiratory infection that occurs most often during the winter. It can be caused by allergies, bacteria, or inhaled irritants, but it is usually the result of infection with a virus
Most of the time, parainfluenza virus is the cause, but other viruses, such as respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and measles, can also cause diphtheria.

Diphtheria is most common in children ages 3 months to 5 years, although a child can develop diphtheria at any age. The disease usually occurs in the cooler months, between October and March. Most cases of diphtheria today are not serious, but a severe case may require hospitalization.

What are the symptoms of croup?

Because the swell is located in the throat, your child's cough will be loud. If your child has a very severe and deep cough, it is likely that he has croup. In fact, this cough is so distinctive that a doctor can diagnose a child's condition by listening to him over the phone.
Signs of croup often appear within a few days of a cold. As the days go by, your child may wheez and may also have a hoarse voice and have a high temperature.
Croup often peaks during the first two or three nights, and usually goes away within a week or two.

Is croup dangerous?

Not as dangerous as it used to be. Today, vaccines against measles, Haemophilus influenzae and diphtheria are available and protect children against some serious forms of diphtheria. Most symptoms disappear within a week without any problems. If your child has a severe case of croup, this can lead to breathing difficulties.

When should you call the doctor?

Call the doctor immediately if you suspect your child has croup. You will likely be asked specific questions about your child's coughing and breathing, in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
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