Correct storage of medicines.. The ideal place is the home or family medicine cabinet where medicines and first aid material are kept

Correct storage of medicines:

In relation to their storage, a study carried out in Murcia showed that 67.4% of the patients surveyed stored medicines in inappropriate places in the home, 45.6% believed that the medicines they kept were unnecessary and 16.4% he never checked the household medicine cabinet.

These are aspects that show, among others, an inappropriate use and management of medicines.
The ideal place is the home or family medicine cabinet where medicines and first aid material are kept.

The correct way to store medicines at home:

The recommendations for proper storage are:
  • Keep medicines out of the reach of children.
  • Do not leave uncovered or dissolved medications on the table.
  • Do not change it from its original container.
  • Close jars tightly after use.
  • Protect them from heat, direct light (light bulbs) and humidity.
  • The kitchen or the bathroom are not suitable areas for storage as they are humid places.
  • When the medicine requires a temperature between 2ºC and 8ºC, it should be stored in a refrigerator. Generally, the entire area below the freezer.
  • No direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Never store medicines next to dangerous substances or household cleaning chemicals.
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