Correct extraction of breast milk.. hygienic, quiet, comfortable, safe and private place that facilitates the process, to obtain the milk and satisfy the baby's needs

Correct extraction of breast milk:

The manual extraction of breast milk is the easiest, safest, most efficient and economical way, since it is not necessary to have devices or pumps that can easily become contaminated and cause infections in the baby or pain in the mothers.

This extraction must be carried out in a hygienic, quiet, comfortable, safe and private place that facilitates the process, to obtain the milk and satisfy the baby's needs.

Steps for manual breast milk extraction:

Before the extraction, the mother must tie her hair, take a comfortable position and follow the following steps:
  • Properly wash your hands and avoid talking during the extraction procedure.
  • Prepare the glass or pasta container with a screw cap, previously washed, dried and boiled for at least 15 minutes, carry out the procedure in a hygienic place, then open it, place the lid upside down to prevent it from getting dirty.
  • Start with a gentle massage with your fingertips, in a clockwise circular motion from the center outwards, to stimulate the ducts through which the milk will come out.
  • Place your hand in a C shape with your thumb above and your index finger below the areola (the dark, circular part that includes the nipple), to facilitate breast lift.
  • Gently compress the areola with your thumb and forefinger and against the thorax the breast to open the ducts through which the milk will come out, at first it will not come out much but after several attempts you will obtain the milk that you must deposit in the container.
  • Do not slide, rub, or milk the breasts with your fingers, the only thing that will produce is pain and redness.
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