Common mistakes to avoid while cleaning your baby's navel

Umbilical cord cleaning:

The umbilical cord or “navel” area in the child’s body is one of the areas that the mother should take care of, due to its sensitivity, as it is an ideal place for microbes and germs to gather, so it needs cleaning and continuous care from the moment of birth, so it must be continuously cleansed until the navel falls off during the first week of your baby's life without harming him.

Mistakes that cause harm to the baby when cleaning the umbilical cord:

Therefore, there are common mistakes that most mothers make and cause harm to the baby when cleaning the umbilical cord:

1- Using alcohol directly on the skin:

Doctors advise not to wipe the area with alcohol directly, as it may cause redness and sensitivity on your child's skin. You can spray the area from afar.

2- Covering the navel with gauze and cotton:

It is one of the biggest common mistakes in caring for the navel area, keeping it covered with bandages and wraps, but this is not true, because this sensitive area of the body needs air and oxygen to heal, and it does not need to be covered in this way.

3- Use a shower loofah on this area:

Due to the sensitivity of the area, it is advised not to get anything close to it, such as a shower loofah or anything, to avoid bleeding.

4- Putting the child in full clothes:

Make sure that your newborn baby wears loose-fitting clothes, so as not to hurt his navel.

5- Use anti-inflammatory creams:

You should not overuse anti-inflammatory creams, so that your baby's umbilical cord wound heals faster, and it is preferable that you consult your doctor in this matter.

6- Remove the extra strings yourself:

Do not remove the damaged growths that surround your child's navel by yourself, so as not to harm him and leave it to fall on its own or remove it for him at the doctor

When cleaning your baby's umbilical cord, you should note any changes that occur to that area, such as a change in color, swelling, sensitivity, or the presence of small bumps in the navel area, and if you find any of these changes, you should consult your doctor quickly.
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