Child sweating during sleep at night and how to deal with it

Children's sleep:

Watching your child sleep peacefully is a blissful experience however, any disturbance your child encounters while sleeping or even during sleep can be distressing What if you woke up to see a sweaty child in his sleep It can be very disturbing for parents to find their children sweating at night As a parent you may be curious regarding whether or not night sweats are normal in an infant.
Through this article, we will answer all your questions about the causes of night sweats in children.

What is night sweats?

Babies sweat excessively at night while sleeping for many reasons, and this condition should not be overlooked especially if it persists.

Is night sweats in children normal?

Sweating during sleep is a normal phenomenon in children. However, if your child sweats a lot while sleeping, this could be a symptom of his condition and should not be ignored.

What causes night sweats in children?

We have listed some of the reasons why your baby may sweat during sleep:

the movement:

When babies sleep soundly, they tend to sweat because they don't move as much as adults. The body temperature can rise when the baby stays in one position for a long time, and sweating is the body's way of regulating this rise in temperature.

Position of sweat glands:

Unlike adults, children's sweat glands are located near the head. This causes them to sweat excessively at night, especially because they do not change the position of their head during sleep as they do when they are awake. As mentioned, sleeping in one position can lead to fever and sweating helps regulate.

ambient temperature:

It may cause the room temperature to rise due to excessive sweating of the baby at night.

Child coverage:

It is common practice to cover the baby with a blanket during the summer. This raises the baby's body temperature and causes excessive sweating.

Causes of head sweating in infants:

If your child sweats abnormally while sleeping at night, you may need to be concerned. Certain health conditions can cause children to sweat abnormally while they sleep at night.

Congenital heart disease:

Children with heart disease Congenital heartburn can be affected at night while sleeping. These disorders develop in the womb and these children tend to sweat excessively, even while eating and playing.

respiratory failure:

During sleep, sleep apnea was discovered, which is one of the causes of excessive night sweats in infants. In this case, children stop for a while while breathing, which leads to the work of the body. This, in turn, makes the baby's sweating abnormal during sleep. Children with sleep apnea also have other symptoms, such as bluish skin and wheezing, in addition to night sweats.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: A rise in body temperature during sleep, which manifests itself as profuse night sweats.

excessive sweating:

Despite the controlled room temperature, children sweat at night. This is due to a condition called hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. Children with hyperhidrosis also suffer from sweaty feet. However, it is not a serious disease and can be treated by a specialist. Treatment may include surgery or even non-surgical treatment by applying ointments or by mouth. Be sure to see your dermatologist to determine what treatment your child needs.

Tips for sweating while sleeping:

Here is a simple list that you can take to control night sweats in babies:

room temperature control:

Ensure that the room temperature is always cool (between 20-22°C). Remove all unnecessary blankets and blankets from the bed to ensure a comfortable sleep.

Keep your child hydrated:

It is essential for your child to be well hydrated before bedtime. This will help replace fluid loss due to sweating.

Dress your child appropriately:

Remember to wear comfortable and light clothing. This will keep the baby's body temperature under control and prevent night sweats. Whether your child sweats at night or not, it is important to wear comfortable clothes for sleeping.

You may want to see your doctor if your child continues to sweat at night, even after taking the above precautions. You need to diagnose the cause of night sweats in children in time for proper treatment. Look for other signs or symptoms in your child, such as head noise, rocking, teeth grinding and snoring. If you notice these symptoms along with your child's night sweats, you should see your pediatrician immediately.
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