Child and violence in the school environment.. Why mutual violence?

School violence:

The forms of school violence vary, as do the parties causing it. There is violence by the student against the educator or teacher. And there is violence on the part of the educator or the professor towards the student and also between the student and the administrative structure of the institution in which he studies.

Its forms vary, the most important of which is physical violence, verbal violence, or sexual violence. Violence is defined as (behavior or action emanating from a party that may be an individual or a group that causes physical, moral and psychological damage, whether material or moral, and leaves severe physical and psychological consequences for the abused person who is subjected to the act).

Student violence against the teacher:

The phenomenon is on its way to getting worse, as in recent months, various types of attacks have been recorded by the student on the teacher, including the student’s attack on his teacher.

The Forum for Economic and Social Rights monitored 18.8 percent of the cases of violence that occurred in the educational, university and family spheres in one of its reports in recent years. According to statistics provided by the National Observatory of School Violence for the year 2019, the total number of assaults reached 4,568 verbal and physical assaults.

Violence of the educational framework against the student:

Violence in the school environment is a global phenomenon, as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) indicates in one of its reports that about a quarter of a billion children in schools around the world are exposed to school violence.
The most vulnerable to such violence are often the poor or ethnic, linguistic or cultural minorities. There are many cases monitored against teachers and educators against the student, which include material and moral violence and sexual harassment.

Psychological reasons for the exacerbation of the phenomenon of violence in the school environment:

Some social studies indicate that the soul's tendency to violence is instinctive as a result of repression. It is also a result of the weakness of the personality that is not capable of dialogue, so it tends to violence to prove its existence in the milieu to which it belongs, which includes the school and the educational framework.

It could be the result of poor school results that the student associates with a specific teacher, or the inability to attain a certain academic level, so the student tends to scold his classmate who is more distinguished than him. It is dominated by physical or verbal violence (such as the father being violent).

As for the professor, a number of specialists linked the phenomenon to the psychological pressure experienced by the educator as a result of the pressure of working hours or as a result of some family problems.

Sociology...the school space has become very dangerous:

The school space has become very dangerous, and the Ministry of Education must wake up from its slumber and acknowledge the existence and exacerbation of this phenomenon, he said.

The policy of "denial" and non-recognition pursued by it and the directors of educational institutions who refuse to mention cases of assault and periodic storming of their institutions is pushing us towards the worst, in a complete absence of oversight of what is happening inside the corners of schools and institutes and their corners, and a firm stand must be taken to save our children who are no longer searching inside Their school is about solid education like it was in the past, but they are just looking for a bit of security.”

There is no law criminalizing school violence:

There is no specific law criminalizing school violence, so cases issued in this regard are dealt with according to what was stated in the Child Protection and Penal Code.
A child at the age of 18 is held accountable according to what is stated in the penal code. If he abuses the educator, it is considered violence against a public official while performing his duties, according to articles 125 and 127 of the penal code, where article 125 stipulates that:

“A penalty of one year’s imprisonment and a fine of one hundred and twenty dinars shall be imposed on anyone who insults a public official or resembles him by saying, signaling or threatening him while he is assuming his position or on the occasion of carrying it out.” Article 127 indicates that “everyone who He is assaulted by light beatings…” and the punishment may reach 5 years and a financial fine, depending on the degree of violence inflicted on the breeder.

Trying to protect the delinquent minor child:

The Child Protection Journal tries to avoid severe penalties imposed against the child according to his age and the degree of the offense committed. According to Chapter 13 of the journal, it seeks to find appropriate solutions to the phenomenon of child delinquency, before the intervention of state agencies, based on humanitarian principles, fairness and giving priority to preventive and educational means.

Recourse to detention, precautionary arrest, and custodial penalties, especially short-term penalties, shall be avoided as much as possible.
The perpetrator of sexual harassment is punished by the educator according to the provisions of the penal code only, Article 229. The status of teacher, educator or professor becomes an adjective to intensify the punishment, which may reach death according to Article 227 in the event of rape of a minor girl.

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