Causes of underweight in children and how to deal with it

Weight loss and growth deficiency:

There is a difference between underweight and underweight. Which can be determined by the pediatrician. Before going to a nutritionist, the child must be taken to a pediatrician when his physical structure is weak. The lack of growth is the result of organic causes (allergies to certain types of food), psychological reasons, or as a result of malnutrition, which is a condition that exists in abundance.

Causes of underweight in children:

The main reason for weight loss in children is a psychological condition, which is present in many cases as a result of fear of new foods. It begins at the age of two years, worsens at the age of four years, and continues until the age of 8 years. The child is afraid even of tasting some foods.

How to deal with a child who is underweight:

When examining the child and making sure that he is underweight, he should be taken to a nutritionist to address the problem, so that he can see the extent of the seriousness of the condition according to age and weight. In the first stage, the child should not be frightened of his condition, but rather the mother should be explained according to his age (weight loss has an effect on his immunity and muscle mass). And in a second stage, it is necessary to move on to what is expressed in nutritional education and not follow a diet as is known to adults.

How should parents act?

Parents should not lose hope when the child does not want to eat, but rather try several times, and several methods can be followed to encourage him to eat, such as diversifying the dish (for example, eggs, grains, and vegetables). Many methods must be taken to encourage him to eat, and it is necessary to train parents to facilitate interaction with the condition of their children.

Tips for dealing with underweight children:

  • A nutritionist explains to the child how to deal with the nutrients and how to form his own plate through the basic ingredients for his growth (proteins found in meat and fish) and passing on to the vitamins found mainly in the grain.
  • It must be served in certain dishes to encourage the child to eat.
  • Fatty foodstuffs should not be served as a solution to increase the weight of the child (french fries and hamburger), but it is enough to eat some healthy foods (eggs, vegetables and grains).
  • A child should not be forced to eat.
  • The child should be encouraged to exercise regularly to open the appetite and to develop the rate of his nutritional needs.
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