Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Causes of failure of In vitro fertilisation - IVF pregnancy

Causes of failure of the tube baby process:

Tube baby:

By IVF, we mean children that are not conceived through a normal sexual relationship for various reasons, and therefore couples resort to IVF, which is by withdrawing eggs from the woman’s uterus and mixing them with the husband’s sperm, after which doctors wait for fertilization to occur, and when an egg is fertilized, it is returned to the uterus Women to complete pregnancy and the success rate of this type of operation is estimated at about 30 percent.

Cases in which IVF is used:

  • The absence of pregnancy after a full year of marriage and without the use of contraceptive pills, which indicates the presence of infertility.
  • A problem with sperm (in terms of low number or slow activity).
  • Obstruction or damage to the uterine canals.

Reasons for failure of the test tube baby:

There are many reasons for the failure of the tube baby process, which are due to:
  • Absence of a suitable ground for the success of the test tube baby.
  • Smoking: Therefore, the couple is advised to quit smoking when they want to have IVF.
  • Obesity: which is not considered an aid to the reproductive process, but on the contrary may hinder the path of the success of the thyroid gland.
  • Absence of sperm or egg quality.

Diseases of the uterus:

  • infections.
  • Oncology.
  • Migrant endometriosis.
  • Birth defects and abnormalities in the womb.