Causes and treatment of abdominal pain in children

Abdominal pain in children:

Abdominal pain is a common disease in children, and colic is a form of abdominal pain known to usually affect children under the age of six months. These pains may be noticed by parents that they come continuously at the same time every day, especially at night, and the pain persists for a period ranging between one and three hours. During which the infant cries continuously, and if these pains are repeated more than three times a week, in this case we are talking about colic. A doctor should be visited to diagnose these pains and determine their causes.

Causes of abdominal pain:

There is no scientifically clear reason behind abdominal pain in infants, but there are hypotheses that are likely to be behind these pains:

Gas trapping:

It can be said that the digestive system of children under six months is not mature enough to help expel gases, and therefore the survival of these gases inside the intestines and not leaving them for a long time may cause colic and pain for the child.
Deficiency of beneficial microbes: The beneficial microbes are microbes that live inside the intestine of the individual and help the functioning of the digestive system. abdominal pain

Abdominal pain due to the nervous system:

Abdominal pain in children may not be directly related to the digestive system, but sometimes it is the result of anxiety in the nervous system, such as if the child is in an environment where noise and din are so much that his mind cannot bear, and this anxiety directly affects the abdomen and causes pain.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain in children:

Abdominal pain in children is diagnosed by conducting a comprehensive and integrated medical examination to determine the presence of colic. If the specialist suspects that there is another problem causing these pains, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting and sleep delays, then the specialist requests other tests and analyzes to deny the suspicion of the presence of another disease in the child. The child is the reason for his crying.

Treatments for abdominal pain in children:

There are several treatment methods that can be followed before reaching pharmacological solutions, and these solutions mainly lie in parents knowing how to deal with children when they feel these pains. Among these practices, we mention:

The sitting or sleeping position of the child:

The position of the child during colic should be comfortable. For example, leaving the child lying on his back in case of colic may double his pain. Therefore, it is better to keep the child on his stomach while continuing to massage the abdomen to relieve pain and facilitate the exit of gases.

Nutrition quality:

Since these pains come to children under the age of six months, we are talking in this case about the child’s only food, which is the milk that must be controlled more. Mother's milk In this case, it is recommended that the mother follow a diet based on avoiding all foods and drinks that contain gases, in addition to drinking natural herbs continuously to improve the quality of milk and pass these benefits on to the infant.

All these methods are followed by medicines, and there is an important group of medicines that can be used for the infant, such as pain-relieving medicines and medicines that help the digestive system to get rid of gases, in addition to medicines that contain beneficial microbes.
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