Babies cry to learn language, not just to get attention

baby crying:

My child cries a lot, especially at night, I don't get any rest, I'm very tired and exhausted... These are some of the mothers' complaints. From excessive crying of the child and her lack of knowledge of the reasons, especially if this is her first child. What are the reasons and how should the mother behave?

Feeling hungry:

Children usually cry when they feel hungry, especially at night, due to the lack of breast milk production, such that the amount of milk is not sufficient to satisfy it, especially at the age of one year or more, and the level of breast secretion declines for natural reasons, according to what was reported by the “Teb Wap” website, which makes him in constant need to suck. breast without feeling full.

In this case, the mother must eat nutrients that help in milk production, healthy, balanced meals rich in fluids, in addition to the need to consult a doctor to find out how to increase the amount of milk or add some nutrients to the child to help him get full, especially at the age after 4 or 6 months. . Note that by expressing breast milk in a sterilized bottle, the infant obtains a significant amount in case of hunger, especially since the more milk is sucked, the higher the amount of secretion from the breast.

The infant needs milk during its growth period, so it is necessary to find the appropriate solution. The infant may not be able to breastfeed and cry intensified despite the presence of milk, especially during the teething period. In this case, it is necessary to try several times to enable the child to have some milk. Constipation, crying intensely and nervously, interrupted sleep, and inability to sleep enough are signs of the infant not feeling full.

Gas is worrisome, but it goes away with time:

Most children suffer in the first months of birth from gases, which cause great anxiety to the child and the mother. Anxieties begin after the first two weeks of birth, which is a normal condition. However, what raises concern is the state of panic and fear of the parents, which affects the child. And in this case, he needs the reassurance of his parents to contain him. Children's gas anxieties usually start in the evening more than at any other time of the day.

The condition is gradually recovering, and it is advisable to warm the child in cold weather to avoid the intensity of these gases by wearing socks and gloves...

Changing the diaper is necessary at the right time:

It is necessary to change the diaper on a regular basis in order to avoid the child's fussiness and anxiety caused by continuous crying, especially when teething.

The child can only express the disease by crying:

The child cannot express his illness except through crying, and the mother in this case must verify the condition of her son by measuring the body temperature and examining him well, and if the crying continues without identifying its causes, the child must be taken to the doctor

Feeling of fear and the need for reassurance:

The child is always in need of his mother, and when she is lost for long hours of the day, he feels fear and loneliness and begins to cry. Being away from home does not always cause loneliness for the child. Rather, lack of attention to him despite her presence by his side can make him feel that he is alone. The infant feels bored and lonely, having become accustomed to a safe environment inside his mother's womb, and separation from her is a worrying matter for him. According to websites, the little one gets used to hearing his mother's heartbeat, and with physical separation from her, he feels fear and loneliness.

And gradually begins to separate from his mother, but it is not a complete separation, which explains the feeling of some children that they are in a state of distress and continuous crying to warn the mother that they do not feel safe on their own.

Babies don't just cry for attention:

"Children do not just cry to get attention and care," according to Scientific American, but crying helps them learn to speak. During their screams, they practice intonations that will later help them learn to speak.

A research team led by biologist Kathleen Wermek of the University of Würzburg discovered that newborn French babies cry differently from their German peers. While French babies often produce ascending vocal sequences, German babies do the opposite.

And "Scientists believe that this is due to the different patterns of emphasis in language, as the fetus notices the tone of speech in the mother's womb, practices it and trains it to reproduce it once it is born. As the child grows older, he learns how to alternate and combine the different building blocks that make up language. And at some point, This allows him to pronounce the first word, then the first sentence, and eventually become fluent in that language.
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