Avoid these mistakes when preparing your baby's feeding bottle

Formula feeding:

Preparing to breastfeed a baby with artificial milk is not as easy as some mothers imagine. There are steps necessary for the safety of the breast and the health of the baby that must not be overlooked.

How many times have I wondered: should I mix the milk with boiling water directly or wait for it to cool first? Or can I keep the rest of my baby's unfinished feed for another feed?

Tips for preparing a baby's bottle:

Here are 5 mistakes that you should avoid for your baby's health when preparing a milk bottle:

  • Avoid mixing formula milk with boiled water immediately after it boils. Rather, you have to wait for the water to become warm, closer to lukewarm, because formula milk loses all its beneficial properties when mixed with boiled water directly, including vitamins, minerals and prebiotics, and becomes useless for the child, if it is prepared in this wrong way.

  • Get rid of the rest of the feed and do not keep it in any way, whether in the refrigerator or outside, because it spoils and harmful bacteria multiply on it, which can harm your baby and cause stomach problems.

  • Do not neglect to sterilize your child's baby bottles, whether with a sterilizer or boil them every time before use. Do not wash them with hot water only, and do not wash them with the dishes and utensils used for the rest of the family.

  • Do not test the temperature of the milk with your mouth, as this is one of the biggest mistakes that mothers make and transmit a lot of bacteria and fungi to the mouth of the infant. You should test the temperature of the milk by placing simple drops on your hands and never in your mouth.

  • Do not put too much milk, as it will not make your child satiate faster or for a longer period. Rather, it will turn the benefits of the feeding into harm and may lead to intestinal distress for the little one or chronic constipation in the best case. You must adhere to the amounts of the feeding that the doctor prescribed for you and are appropriate for the age and weight of your baby. To avoid any harm and for the safety of his health.
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