Alcohol and pregnancy.. not drinking alcohol during pregnancy or while planning to conceive

drinking alcohol during pregnancy or while planning to conceive

There are no guarantees that a baby will be born healthy and grow up healthy.
However, there is absolute certainty that a child will not suffer from a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) if her mother does not consume alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.

Not consuming alcoholic beverages during pregnancy is the safest option:

Approximately 40,000 babies are born each year with FASDs which can cause birth defects,  intellectual disability or learning problems, behavioral problems and difficulties learning life skills or competencies.
These problems last a lifetime.

FASDs can be completely prevented by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy (or while planning to conceive).

Despite some myths, there is  no scientific evidence that establishes a safe minimum amount of alcohol that does not affect the development of the fetus.

Talk to your doctor

Women are encouraged to talk with their obstetricians, pediatricians, and other healthcare providers so that they can not only understand the risks, but also make the best decisions that affect the health of their babies.
  • There is no safe amount of alcohol you can consume during pregnancy that is without risk.
  • There is no type of alcohol that you can consume during pregnancy that is without risk.
  • There is no safe time during pregnancy when you can safely drink alcohol.

Marijuana and electronic cigarettes are also not safe:

No amount of marijuana has been determined to be safe for use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

No type of electronic cigarette, also known as hookahs, vapers, vaporizer pens or vapor tanks are safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

E-cigarettes are also NOT a safe way to quit smoking during pregnancy.
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