What are the harmful effects of electronic games on children and adolescents?

Harmful effects of electronic games on children and adolescents:

Effects of electronic games on children:

A child at the beginning of his development is more likely to be affected by games, whether positively or negatively, so it is important to know the harms of electronic games to children in order to avoid them, and the following are the most prominent of these damages:

  • Spend less time with family and friends.
  • Decreased social communication skills.
  • Declining academic performance in general.
  • Lack of movement and the possibility of gaining excess weight.
  • Lack of hours of sleep or strike times of sleep.

Effects of electronic games on adolescents:

Here are the most important things about the harm of these games to teenagers:

  • The harm of electronic games to adolescents is more obvious compared to younger children, given that many adolescents often have their own gaming device, in addition to the greater freedom of parents to stay in front of TV, computer and phone screens as well.
  • The effects of electronic games on adolescents are no different from those that affect children, because they are likely to spend less time with family and friends, in addition to the possibility of a decline in academic performance and lack of movement in general.
  • It should be noted that these damages depend mainly on the type of games that they spend their time on, as some of them may be with an educational goal that helps develop the mind and acquire skills.
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