What are the general characteristics of parents that will increase the chances of raising a successful child?

The qualities that parents must have affect the success of the child:

Success for many is educational attainment, for others it is material security or wealth, and for many success is social rank or personal leadership, all of which refer to some kind of happiness in life.
Everyone may agree that they want their children to have a happy and successful future life.

There are many factors that affect the development of the child, and fatherhood is considered one of the most important, and many of the characteristics that parents possess may have a decisive influence on the success of the child in his future life, or at least points of support from which the child begins on the path to success:

They tend to have their children do the housework:

Where parents motivate children to work, and reduce the importance of dependence on others, and thus increase the importance of cooperation in the child in the field of work in the future; With other employees or business partners.

They tend to teach their children social skills:

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Duke University followed more than 700 children for a period of 20 years, from the time they entered kindergarten until they graduated from university and started working life. Those who drank excessively, or who asked to participate in public housing, or who were arrested by the authorities from the group of children who had limited social capabilities.”

Parents tend to have high expectations of their children:

Using a survey of 6,600 children born in 2001 conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, the expectations parents hold for their children have a significant impact on educational attainment.

Parents tend to maintain a healthy relationship with each other:

According to a study conducted by the University of Illinois, children who come from a family with a family conflict between the parents tend to; To be worse off than children who came from a family with healthy relationships and good understanding.

Most often, one or both of the parents have a higher education:

A 2014 study conducted by psychologist Sandra Tang at the University of Michigan found that children whose mothers have completed high school or college tend to do the same, that is, obtain a higher education or university degree.

Parents tend to teach their children math early:

A 2007 meta-analysis (quantitative and qualitative statistical analysis) of 3,500 preschool children in the United States, Canada and England found that "development of math skills early can turn into a major advantage in the future, and one of the hallmarks of a child's future success."

Mothers tend to work:

There are many benefits for children who grew up with mothers who work outside the home, as studies indicated that children of working mothers reaped 23% more financial profits than people who were raised with mothers who did not work.

This is in addition to several other characteristics of parents:

Like the lack of stress, they focus on the importance of nutrition, and focus on letting their children fail in experiments to correct mistakes, so that they get used to failure is part of life and part of success.
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