Types of violence to which children are exposed.. ill-treatment. bullying. sexual violence. Psychological or emotional violence

Types of violence to which children are exposed:

Violence against children has many faces and forms such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or ill-treatment, unstable life, emotional abuse, bullying and many more:

  • Violence against children includes all forms of violence against persons under the age of 18, regardless of whether parents, caregivers, peers or strangers perpetrated it.
  • Global statistics indicate that one billion children are exposed to physical or emotional violence, neglect, and even sexual abuse as well.
  • Exposure to violence in childhood affects health and well-being throughout life, and its negative effects persist for the rest of life.

Types of practice against children:

Violence against children is represented by at least one of six types of it, and it can occur during the different stages of a child’s development:


(including violent punishment) physical, sexual, and psychological/emotional violence; and neglect of infants, children and adolescents by parents, caregivers and other persons responsible for the child in the home, schools and orphanages.


It is unwanted aggressive behavior by another child or a group of children who are not siblings and do not have an emotional relationship with the victim, and it involves repeated physical, psychological or social harm, and often occurs in schools and other places where children gather, and on the Internet.

Bullying and physical assault with or without weapons:

Youth violence is concentrated among children and youth between the ages of 10 and 29, and often occurs in poor environments between acquaintances and strangers, and includes fighting with tools such as guns and knives, and may include gang violence.

Partner violence (or domestic violence):

It includes physical, sexual and emotional violence by the husband and usually affects females more than males, and it occurs against girls in cases of early/forced marriage.

Sexual violence:

sexual contact completed or attempted and acts of a sexual nature that do not involve contact (such as voyeurism or sexual harassment), as well as acts of sexual trafficking committed against a person who is unable to consent or refuse, and exploitation via the Internet.

Psychological or emotional violence:

Such as restricting the child's movement, ridiculing him, despising him, intimidating him, or threatening him and rejecting him, in addition to other forms of non-physical verbal aggressive treatment.

gender based violence:

This is when violence is directed against girls or boys because of their biological sex or gender identity.

Statistics on child victims of violence:

According to the statistics on child victims of violence, it is:

  • A child dies every five minutes from violence [Global Partners to End Violence against Children 2016]
  •   It is estimated that 1 billion children and more than half of all children between the ages of 2 and 17 have experienced emotional, physical or sexual violence [WHO 2016].
  • One out of every 10 girls, nearly 120 million girls under the age of 20, has been subjected to forced sexual acts and assaults, [UNICEF 2014].
  • One out of every 10 children, nearly 250 million worldwide, lives in a country affected by conflict [UNICEF 2016].
  • At least one in six children who have attended SOS Children's Villages have experienced violence before.
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