Types of infant crying and how to deal with each type

Types of infant crying:

The crying of the infant is the only means through which he can express his needs, and one study indicates that most newborns cry from two to three hours a day, for this reason every mother should know the different types of infant crying, and how to deal with the child and calm him down based on the type of Crying, especially if she is new to the experience of motherhood.

1- Baby crying because of hunger:

Crying because of hunger is the most common type of crying that the mother encounters in the first months of the child's life. Crying of hunger is characterized by short, high-pitched cries, which the child repeats until the mother responds to it.
The only solution to deal with this type of crying is to quickly feed the child, and the need to pay attention to the signals that the child makes before crying as an expression of his feeling of hunger. Such as: turning towards the breast, and pressing his lips.
In order to avoid the baby crying due to hunger, you can calculate the time that has passed since the last feeding, as it is known that newborns usually need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If he is hungry, he will not refuse.

2- Baby crying due to colic:

Approximately 20% of infants suffer from the problem of colic, and this problem reaches its peak from the sixth to the eighth week of the child’s life. Crying due to colic is characterized by its continuation for 3 continuous hours, and its tone is high and noisy. The child may suffer from redness and swelling of his stomach, especially if The child is used to artificial feeding.

Tips for calming your baby when crying due to colic:

There are some tips that help you calm your baby while crying because of colic, the most important of which are:
Hold your baby on his side or stomach; Because that makes him feel more comfortable than sleeping on his back.
wrap your baby in a blanket; To make him feel safe.
Support your baby's head and rock him with your arms; Because swinging relieves colic pain.
Offer your breast or pacifier to your baby for him to suck on; to help calm him down.

3- The crying of the infant due to constipation:

Most children suffer from symptoms of constipation in the first months of their life, which is a natural result of the immaturity of their digestive system. The infant’s crying due to constipation is characterized by a sharp tone accompanied by severe redness in the child’s face while trying to get rid of his waste, especially in children who depend on artificial feeding.

It is preferable to consult a doctor when a child suffers from constipation repeatedly. In order to rule out a blockage in the anus, or to prescribe the appropriate treatment for the mother to give to the child during his constipation.

4- The infant crying because of the gases:

Symptoms of gases in an infant:

Intestinal bloating due to abdominal gases in infants is one of the most common problems that a large number of infants are exposed to, especially those who depend on artificial feeding. Crying due to gases is characterized by a frightening, high-pitched cry. the intestines, and he may resort to raising his feet and joining them to his stomach; Trying to get rid of the pain.

Treating gases in an infant:

You can resort to these simple methods to calm your baby while crying because of gas:
use a pacifier; Because it helps to get rid of gases in many cases.
Try to burp the baby by patting him on the back a little; To get rid of gases.
Soak a washcloth in warm water and place it on your baby's tummy.
Gently press your baby's belly to help him get rid of gas.

5- Baby crying due to sleepiness:

Crying due to sleepiness is common in infants under the age of three months, because crying is a natural reaction until the child gets used to sleep cycles, which is new to the child at this stage, and the infant’s crying due to sleepiness may sometimes reflect his rejection of his inability to see his mother while sleeping.

Tips for calming your baby while crying due to sleepiness:

You can calm your baby when he starts crying before bed in several ways, including:
Wrap your baby in a blanket so that he feels safe.
Choose the right clothes for your child, and avoid heavy clothes because they put pressure on him and make him continue to cry.
Make his room a suitable place to sleep, with an appropriate temperature and no noise source.
Make sure he is not experiencing colic, gas, or any other reason for his discomfort.

6- The crying of the infant because of the pain:

There is no doubt that the crying of the infant because of the pain is frightening for many mothers for the first time. In view of the high-pitched cries that distinguish him, as if the child is crying out for help and urgently asking for help, for this reason you must quickly search for the cause of the pain if it is a result of colic or gas, and deal with it in the way that we explained previously.

Sometimes the pain is the result of a piece of hair wrapping around the toe, which leads to swelling and severe pain. Gastroesophageal reflux is also one of the most common causes of pain in newborns. This disease is one of the cases in which you should consult a doctor to show you the appropriate solution.

7- Baby crying due to teething:

Teething crying is a major ordeal for all mothers. Because the infant feels severe pain accompanied by many symptoms; Such as: high temperature, salivation as a result of sore gums, and the constant desire to chew anything solid.

Tips for calming your crying baby due to teething:

Here are some tips to help you calm your baby during teething crying spells:
Press your baby's gums with one of your fingers, or with a piece of wet gauze.
Use cooling teething rings to soothe sore gums.
Use a pain reliever; Such as: paracetamol and ibuprofen if your child continues to cry for a long time and does not respond to the previous methods.
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