Tips for using a bottle of formula and a schedule for bottle-feeding

Artificial feeding according to the age of the child:

The amount of artificial feeding varies depending on the age of the child, as at today’s age the child’s stomach is very small, as he needs between 1-1.4 teaspoon of milk, and when he grows up, the child’s stomach expands and grows, so that he needs a larger amount, as indicated The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a mother follow a bottle-feeding schedule.

Breastfeeding schedule:

Baby two weeks old:

Doctors recommend giving the baby 15 ml of milk at each feeding, then between 30-90 ml at each feeding for three feedings.

Baby's age up to two months:

At this age, it is recommended to give the child between 60-120 ml of milk in each feeding, every three or four hours.

Baby's age up to four months:

It is recommended to give the baby between 120-180 ml of milk at each feeding, every four or five hours.

Child age up to a year:

The older the child, the greater the amount of formula milk, as children between 4-6 months need no more than 240 ml of formula milk, until they reach the age of one year.

Tips for using a formula bottle:

When doing artificial feeding, it is important to follow some measures that preserve the proper feeding of the artificial baby, as these tips include the following:

  • Do not give the child any kind of liquids, including juices, or cow's milk under the age of one year, because they may harm his stomach.
  • It is essential to avoid adding cereal to the formula bottle.
  • Do not add honey to a bottle of milk if the child is less than a year old.
  • Consult a doctor when there is any problem in breastfeeding a child.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize the importance and benefits of breastfeeding, as there is nothing comparable to its benefits, but artificial feeding has many advantages as well. However, the choice of the child and many factors determine the type on which he will be dependent for breastfeeding.
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