Tips for the mother to behave properly during the period of teaching her child to clean himself after the bathroom

Tips for the mother during the period of teaching her child to clean himself after the bathroom:

  • Talking about the importance of cleaning and encouraging learning is the right start to finish training optimally.
  • Patience, perseverance and persistence are the key to success in the education period.
  • Taking into account the privacy of the child and his motor skills, it will be the chapter in reaching the desired results.
  • The creation of appropriate conditions, the use of appropriate tools, and the correct preparation pave the way for the passage of this period in the best way and in the shortest possible period.
  • A child learning to clean himself does not mean the end of his supervision, so he must be constantly checked for cleanliness, as your child may succeed many times and may fail if he is tense, or if he suffers from a digestive condition such as diarrhea or a health emergency.

During infancy, the child enters into more and less enjoyable experiences, such as the experience of cleaning himself after using the bathroom. Make sure that it is a period of great importance, like other educational processes.
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