The appropriate age for teaching a child to read and how to do it at home

The right age to teach a child to read:

In general, there are two points of view on this subject. Several researches confirm that the optimal age for a child to learn to read is at six, while the other point of view says that a child can learn to read at the age of three, and this is the most suitable age for learning to read.

Babies and children acquire the skills they will use to read in their early years, as the years between 3-5 are crucial in learning to read.
In general, if a child learns to read properly, parents need attention and follow-up to help the child master reading before school. The following are the most prominent ways to teach a child to read in Arabic:

Teaching a child to read at home:

In an easy and simple way, parents can teach their child to read personally at home. The steps of this method are summarized as follows:

  • Listen with your child to the songs, and repeat the words of the song together. Rhyme and rhythm help the child to build phonemic awareness, and thus learn to read.
  • Cut paper cards and write on each of them a word of three letters, such as (door, mountain, sun), and let your child choose cards, then start spelling the word letter by letter.
  • Focus on the sound made by each letter, instead of the name of the letter. Do not teach your son the names of the letters (alif, ba, ta...etc.) as the child at an early age does not understand the difference between the sound of the letter and the name of the letter, so say to him (mm instead of from M) in this format.
  • Promote the presence of prints in your home, whether on walls or tables such as posters, tables and books, as this will increase the chance of spelling words, as well as outside the home, point to posters, billboards and banners, and ask your son to start pronouncing the letters of the word and then grouping them.
  • Do not use one method of education with your child, as this will make him bored and lose his enthusiasm, so play word games with your child at home or in the car, ask him about words that start with a certain letter, or tell him the first two letters of a word and ask him to guess the sequel.
  • Make sure to apply the basic skills for teaching children to read, which are:

- Phonemic awareness:

the ability to hear and manipulate the different sounds in words.

- Phonetics:

Recognizing the relationship between letters and the sounds they make.

- Vocabulary:

understanding the meanings, definitions and context of words.

- Reading Comprehension:

Understanding the meaning of text, whether in story books or information books.

- Fluency:

The ability to read aloud with speed, comprehension, and accuracy.
  • Use the magnetic letters on the fridge to form words and ask your child to spell them.
  • Also take advantage of technology to increase your child's enthusiasm, and play with him on some mobile applications to teach children reading and letters.
  • Be an example for him, and let your child see you reading every day.
  • Do not forget to repeat the signs such as (I, you, you...etc.) continuously.
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