Teaching the child to defend himself from sexual harassment and physical assault, especially outside the home

Teaching children self-defense:

Self-defense includes a wide range of skills to help children deal with and avoid any type of assault. Reciprocation remains a last resort. Most of the tactics children use to defend themselves include; Develop confidence and learn to listen to their intuition.

Ways that enable the child to defend himself outside the home:

Here are some ways in which a child can be taught to defend himself, especially when he is out of the house or far from you:

Practice standing with confidence:

Children who appear confident are less likely to be attacked and bullied than children who show a lack of self-confidence, so they must be taught the correct posture to stand, walk confidently and make eye contact with those around them firmly.

Teaching the child firm and confident language skills and speaking in a strong voice:

Bullies target quiet children who are believed to not stand up for themselves. If a child victim speaks with confidence, the bully will often back off.

Teach your children to trust their instincts:

Children feel insecure and that “something is about to happen” instinctively, so teach your child to listen to the voice of his heart, and if he senses something or a problem is preparing, he must quickly walk away without waiting.

Teach the child that walking away is the braver choice:

He should simply walk away from bullying situations, although it is seen as weak behavior, but it is the best way to end or avoid any hostile situation.

Train the child to make noise or scream to get attention:

in case someone is threatening or harming him.

Encourage the child to stay with his friends:

to reduce the chance of being targeted, and because aggressors often look for a victim alone.

  • There are some situations where a bully is determined to fight. If your child has tried all of the above methods and the bully moves to attack him anyway, he should be ready to stand up for himself and can be included in self defense lessons for kids. It is not a way to teach a child how to “fight.” The focus is usually on defensive techniques, such as blocking punches, etc.

Teaching the child to defend himself from sexual harassment:

It is known that one out of every five children under the age of 18, according to statistics; He may have been subjected to sexual abuse at least once during his childhood. Experience has shown that the best way to prevent sexual assault is to:

Teach the child how to say “no” and trust his expression of rejection, as the perpetrators usually rely on the “secret” and convince the child that he is at fault and guilty of what happened.

In addition to teaching children to say "no," they should know when to distance themselves, and encourage them to tell a trusted adult what they are experiencing without hesitation and quickly.
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