Teach the child to use the bathroom in a healthy way

Age of teaching a child to use the bathroom:

Many parents are confused about when to start training their children to use the toilet or bathroom because children are different and are not ready for this training at the same age, so it is important to monitor your child to find signs of his readiness and because civilizations differ in teaching the child to use the toilet, as there are those who start at the age of months and there are those who wait until three years But it is better, according to doctors, to start this stage between the ages of 18 months and up to three years, depending on the child's readiness.

Signs that your child is ready to start:

Instead of looking for the right age, look for signs that your child may be ready to start, such as:
  • Follows your simple commands and instructions.
  • He understands your words and knows the meaning of Nuno and Kaka.
  • His nappy stays dry for two hours or more.
  • Show interest in using the potty or the bathroom.
  • Wants to take off the diaper or put on the underpants.
  • He stops for a while or turns away when he relieves himself with the diaper.
Most children start showing these signs between the ages of 18 and 24 months, while some children stay longer than that.

How to teach a child to use the bathroom:

You can follow these steps after you make sure your child is ready to start potty training or even while preparing for it:

  • Use words for the act of urinating and defecating ("pee," "poo," "bath," and "potty").
  • Ask your child to tell you when he wets his nappy.
  • Identify the behaviors your child is doing ("Are you going to poop?") so that your child can recognize the urge to urinate and defecate.
  • Buy him a potty seat base or potty that your child can sit on with his clothes and nappy on until he gets used to it.
  • Take the time to potty train.
  • Do not force your child to sit on the toilet.
  • Show your child how you sit on the toilet and explain what you do because your child learns by watching and imitating you.
  • Establish a clear, comfortable routine. For example, you might want to start making your baby go to the bathroom after waking up with a dry nappy, or 45 minutes to an hour after drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Put your child on the potty for just a few minutes a few times a day, and let your child get up if he wants to.
  • Have your child sit on the potty within 15 to 30 minutes after a meal, but your child may not poop during this time. People are different.
  • Take your child to the bathroom if you see clear signs that he needs to go to the bathroom.
  • Remove the stool from your baby's nappy and throw him into the toilet in front of him, telling him to get in the toilet.
  • Dress your child in clothes that are easy for him to remove.
  • Give your child small rewards every time your child goes to the potty such as stickers or stories to read on the topic and let him choose and buy his own panties.
  • If you are working, ask Grandma or the nanny to use the same techniques and words you use for potty training so that your child does not get confused.
  • Praise all attempts to use the toilet, whether with success or not.
  • It is important not to punish children who are potty trained or to show disappointment when they wet or soil themselves or the bed. On the contrary, tell your child that it was an accident and then reassure and support him.

Teaching a stubborn child to go to the bathroom:

People consider that training stubborn children to use the potty is difficult, but in reality it is not impossible, and each child has a key, so the following tips will help you to pass this stage with your child. But first, the first question that you must ask yourself is: Is your child really ready for potty training ?

Steps to teach a stubborn child to use the bathroom:

In addition to the methods we mentioned earlier, here are some steps:

  • Do not compare your child to any other children or peers.
  • Don't think about what your family and friends say that your child should be potty trained. Just ask yourself if your child is ready for potty training now.
  • Tell your child and get rid of all the nappies there.
  • Bring a toy When you are potty training a stubborn child, you need to get him more involved. Follow the 3-day potty training method to get things started. Plan a potty training schedule, print a colorful potty training chart, and bring your own colors and stickers for a special potty time.
  • Give him treats and think about what really motivates him.
  • Stay calm and be patient This can be a tedious process, but you must remain calm, patient and supportive of your child.
  • Celebrate with your child the job done: It may take longer than other children, but at some point your stubborn child will be potty trained. So get ready to celebrate.
  • Your child probably won't fight you about potty training, he's just not ready, and if you wait until he's ready, he'll be like all other potty-trained children in three days.

Steps to follow while waiting for a child to potty train:

Waiting doesn't mean you should ignore potty training, just let your child wear diapers for a few more weeks, months, or years. If you decide to wait, you can follow these steps while you wait:

  • Sing potty training songs.
  • Give your child a potty training doll Your child will be responsible for teaching his doll how to use the potty and will encourage her in case of any accidents.
  • Read potty training books and articles.
  • Allowing your child to wear underwear over his diaper for a while.
  • Force and cruelty will not give you any positive results, so stay away from them.

Teaching the child to leave the diaper at night:

After completing your child's potty training, it will be a little more difficult to teach your child to leave the nappy at night, but with these tips and a little patience, it will make potty training at night easier:

Let your child urinate before bed:

Introduce this habit early in the potty training routine just as we generally use the bathroom before bed to avoid having to get up in the night to do so.

Use special tarpaulins and sheets to avoid wetting the bed:

As long as you start the process of toilet training at night, it is better and more important to be prepared for accidents to happen, so prepare a set of pajamas to change your child's clothes in case such accidents happen at night.

Reduce drinking fluids in the evening and after dinner:

Not all people can get all the fluid out of their bodies before bed so experts recommend that limiting fluid consumption until dinner time can be very beneficial except on very hot days and exceptional cases.

Waking your child to go to the bathroom:

Wake your child up just before bedtime and make him or her urinate.
Dress your child in cotton underwear so he can feel himself when urinating.
Simplify the process of using the toilet at night.

Sometimes the main hindrance to nighttime potty training is that the child gets anxious or scared so make sure the bathroom light is on or easy to reach and you can keep a potty seat in the room for the early days of training.

Praise and encourage his efforts:

Don't forget that accidents can happen to anyone, but the fact that your child is trying deserves your appreciation.

In the end, every stage will end, so do not stress yourself, do not frustrate and annoy your child, wait for him until he is ready, laugh with him and be happy, because your child is growing. Love him, educate him, and cooperate together, and you will pass this stage in peace.
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