Stages of adolescence and its characteristics.. early adolescence. Middle adolescence. late adolescence

Adolescence stages:

In general, this age group is classified into three stages, which are as follows:

early adolescence:

  • It starts from 10-13 years old.
  • Sometimes it may start earlier than this, 8 years old for girls, and 9 years old for boys.
  • Hair growth appears around the genital area, under the armpits, and on the arms and legs.
  • In this stage, the teenager's thinking is dominated by sharpness and lack of mediation. In other words, he looks at situations from a black or white perspective, and does not adopt compromise solutions.
  • A teenager's problems begin with his parents and those around him, who have the power to set rules and restrictions.
  • At this stage, the teenager shows his need for self-reliance, and builds a circle for himself that is characterized by privacy, and he does not prefer that someone invade that privacy.
  • This period is marked by confusion about the expected and the unexpected, the normal and the abnormal, and they become more curious about the physical and sexual changes they sense in their bodies.

Middle adolescence:

  • It starts from 14 to 17 years old.
  • Physical changes continue during this period, as most males begin a growth spurt and changes associated with puberty.
  • The physical changes may be almost complete for females, and most girls have regular menstrual periods.
  • At this age many teens are interested in romantic and sexual relationships, and may question and explore their sexual identity.
  • Some average teens have more arguments with their parents to seek independence, and may spend less time with family and more with friends.
  • Teenagers become very concerned about their appearance and take great care of it.
  • The brain continues to change and mature at this stage, especially in the field of judgment, decision-making and opinion.

late adolescence:

  • This stage starts from the period 18-21 years old and beyond.
  • Late adolescents are characterized by having completed their physical development to their full adult height.
  • Late teens usually have a greater ability to control impulses and may be better able to assess risk than middle teens.
  • Adolescents entering adulthood have a stronger sense of their individuality and can define their own values.
  • Teens at this stage become more focused on the future and base their decisions on their hopes and ideals.
  • Teens at this stage are better able to establish a more stable romantic relationship, and they tend to establish relationships with parents based on friendship rather than power.

Adolescence is a delicate and sensitive foundational stage, in which a person's psychological and nervous foundations for the future are formed, in addition to the noticeable physical changes. However, it is worth paying attention and taking into account the need for someone to lead adolescents to safety and provide them with a healthy environment to live out their natural changes without extremism or deviation.
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